Originally Posted by NLYP
"Independant APOSTOLIC ONENESS Church"........OH God help me to hold it ...help me!!!
Bro....Define "apostolic" for me.
Salvation through the Blood of the Lamb.
Through Repentance, formula of Baptism in the Name of Jesus and the infilling of the HG by speaking in tounges.
I believe that Jesus is the "He" Father in Creation, Son in Redemption and Holy Spirit in Outpouring and infilling.
I believe in the Rapture.
I believe in the 5 fold Ministry.
I believe Prayer does work that God does not have the entire history of man thought out. Which would be predestination.
I believe in soul sleep, the person does not go to heaven or hell at death.
I believe that the book of Revelations holds the keys to the last days.
I have found many of the UPCI standards not to be heaven or hell issues.
I have talked to many men over the years of which are still in the organization.
Who will tell folks one on one if a woman cuts her hair, she will not spart hell in Eternity.
Not sure what you think Apostolic might be?
Let me guess from my list you would only change the idea of the Dress cose and a woman's appearance.
And maybe soul sleep.
Nathan Eckstadt