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06-03-2019, 01:12 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by hometown guy
Funny growing up I played high school baseball. One of the requirements was to be clean shaven. Don’t shave your off the team. Nobody questioned it we all shaved. The only reasoning we ever got was to look as clean as possible on the field. Not one time did anyone ever quit for it to my knowledge. Another time I had young man in the youth group that wanted to be used. I told him he needed to shave if he wanted to be used. He didn’t agree didn’t shave and eventually backslid. Ran into him one day at McDonald’s where he recently got a job. Clean shaven. I said “ oh you shaved “ and he said “ yah it’s a requirement here to work “. Funny people only balk at standards in the church. Not one person have I ever heard preached it using “ chapter “ and “ vs “ but only as a standard. I think it’s still a good standard.
I like being cleaned shaven, but I’m no one’s mother, father, or employer.
If they want to shave like me, fine, but if they grow a beard, I can’t make them shave, or suggest they shave. I can explain a whole lot with the Book, but whiskers? There is more in the Bible to have one then to not have one.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-03-2019, 01:15 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by Ehud
Fair enough. How is it presented to those who want to be used?
Simply as a standard for all in leadership roles and that includes upholding the standards even out of church. Very few times have we had push back from people at that point. I don’t get out of state much but here in California it’s usually some type of gang members with them. Down the road after people had been in church a while I’ve had plenty of them tell me that they know the reason they have had facial hair is because it either of identified them with something or it was pride deal . If it doesn’t have anything to do with the 2 then people would have not one issue shaving it. I’ve been in sales for years and being shaven has also been drilled into me. This is from the world they teach us in, in home sales that people will trust you more being clean shaven. This is not just in California I have attended classes in different states and that is the norm for in home sales people. Even most large service companies have implemented a clean shaven standard ( although in the last 3-4 years I have been seeing a shift in this ). No matter what people tell us we all “ profile “ people. I want to do my best to present myself Holy and acceptable to God. I represent him when I’m in public.

06-03-2019, 01:19 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by hometown guy
Simply as a standard for all in leadership roles and that includes upholding the standards even out of church. Very few times have we had push back from people at that point. I don’t get out of state much but here in California it’s usually some type of gang members with them. Down the road after people had been in church a while I’ve had plenty of them tell me that they know the reason they have had facial hair is because it either of identified them with something or it was pride deal . If it doesn’t have anything to do with the 2 then people would have not one issue shaving it. I’ve been in sales for years and being shaven has also been drilled into me. This is from the world they teach us in, in home sales that people will trust you more being clean shaven. This is not just in California I have attended classes in different states and that is the norm for in home sales people. Even most large service companies have implemented a clean shaven standard ( although in the last 3-4 years I have been seeing a shift in this ). No matter what people tell us we all “ profile “ people. I want to do my best to present myself Holy and acceptable to God. I represent him when I’m in public.
Thank you for the explanation, brother! Much appreciated!

06-03-2019, 01:20 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I like being cleaned shaven, but I’m no one’s mother, father, or employer.
If they want to shave like me, fine, but if they grow a beard, I can’t make them shave, or suggest they shave. I can explain a whole lot with the Book, but whiskers? There is more in the Bible to have one then to not have one.
You are right nobody can make anyone do anything. It’s all up to the individual. Neither you, God or myself will make anyone do anything they don’t want to do.

06-03-2019, 01:21 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by Ehud
Thank you for the explanation, brother! Much appreciated!
Yes sir

06-03-2019, 01:23 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
There's more important stuff to worry about than hair on a man's face.
PCs, smart phones and the internet have caused more sin and divorces than any dude growing hair on his face.
God bless every Oneness/New Birth Pastor and minister. I may not agree with them, but I pray for strength, encouragement and blessings.

06-03-2019, 01:53 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
While I’m a clean shaven I have my own personal preference for doing so. But as to teach it with book, chapter, and verse? I cannot find a scriptural reason to abstain from whiskers. But as Elder T K Burk has pointed out, is that a beard was a symbol of masculinity.

06-03-2019, 02:24 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
I shave only twice a week on two of the three days I go to Church. There is one service I hardly ever go in a suit. That one, sometimes, I show up with a two days grown beard
I always had the desire to grow a long beard like Gandalf and have the luxury of stroking my beard while thinking  .
Yeah, people may tend to trust more a clean shaved sales man, but they also may trust more a computer savvy with a beard to fix their issues. Or a lumberjack, or a wood craftsman.
Yes, a beard may be a pride issue, like a black suit can be, or the car you drive, or your kids nice clean haircut, or you perfectly combed blow-dryer-wax-powered hairdue on a Sunday night, or you wife beautiful dress she got in an awesome deal at Macy's.
Last edited by coksiw; 06-03-2019 at 02:32 PM.

06-03-2019, 02:32 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
Originally Posted by n david
There's more important stuff to worry about than hair on a man's face.
PCs, smart phones and the internet have caused more sin and divorces than any dude growing hair on his face.
God bless every Oneness/New Birth Pastor and minister. I may not agree with them, but I pray for strength, encouragement and blessings.
I agree 100% with your statement

06-03-2019, 02:44 PM
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question
I don’t get out of state much but here in California it’s usually some type of gang members with them.
Isnt Hollywood in California? I can see them now. All wearing nice suits at some Award program. Who's suit is the sharpest! How about the Wall Street kings of greed? What do they wear?
How about Mafia or CIA? Media figures and Politicians? What do they all have in common?
Now if we were sincerely wanting to keep from being associated with worldly people or fashions WHY........do Preachers wear the very same thing?
Could it be a PRIDE ISSUE? Do they want to look like the Hollywood celebrities?
Why is suit wearing encouraged among the saints?
Down the road after people had been in church a while I’ve had plenty of them tell me that they know the reason they have had facial hair is because it either of identified them with something or it was pride deal . If it doesn’t have anything to do with the 2 then people would have not one issue shaving it.
Yea "down the road" when they have seen the example of everyone else clean shaven and heard preaching on how it is rebellion.
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