Re: Large Tree Fell On Bro. Benicasas House
Well, this is how it turned out so far. The tree fell towards the house. The main large section of the trunk crashed into my weight cage. The cage stands about 10 feet high. I use it for squats and deadlifts. The trunk impaled itself on the cage's corner. This stopped two giant sections of the tree from demolishing two huge chicken coops. The main top section was also halted from going through the large bay window in the back of the house. The corner of the house had a monstrous branch lay on top of it. But when I was removing it I found that it was actually one inch from the roof itself. All this could of sent the back roof crashing and demolishing my wife's office. Yet, a weight cage with about 1,500 lbs of weight in it, held the tree off the ground enough to stop the damage. As I was using the chainsaws on the tree I kept thinking to my self how God intervene and made it possible to avoid damage to property . I have to replace some parts on the weight cage, but that is a lot better than if the tree would of destroyed everything in its path. Everything went pretty smooth and tomorrow will be the finishing touch and the hardest part. Removing the 1,000 lb trunk off the end of the cage.
Thank you all for your prayers in Jesus name.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence