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Old 05-17-2017, 10:05 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Wow. Up until the Clinton investigation, Comey had an impeccable reputation on both sides of the aisle. No one would doubt his integrity and honesty. Now that dear leader is about to be proven (yet again) to be a liar, and possibly proven to have tried to influence or impede an investigation, Comey is suddenly a traitor who should be imprisoned????

Why do Trump supporters 1) refuse to admit that there's a possibility their guy did something wrong; 2) blame, lie about and slander anyone who would dare prove their dear leader wrong?

We saw this during the campaign, nothing Trump did or said was wrong. His nasty smear on Cruz's wife, the gold star family, the federal judge, the vile comments said in the leaked Entertainment Tonight video and on and on. Excuse after excuse was given, and nothing Trump said or did was wrong.
Because they've sold their souls to the GOP. lol
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Old 05-17-2017, 10:05 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I would never believe a man who bent over backwards to keep Hillary from being prosecuted when he knew she was guilty. Besides, the supposed conversation with Trump has already been leaked, hasn't it? And what "illegal" thing did Trump say? "Flynn is a nice guy. I hope you can let this go" meaning "I hope you are able to terminate this investigation because you find Flynn did nothing illegal".

So yes, there is nothing to see here. Zilch.
How can you find that Flynn did nothing illegal if you terminate an investigation?
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Old 05-17-2017, 10:40 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I would never believe a man who bent over backwards to keep Hillary from being prosecuted when he knew she was guilty. Besides, the supposed conversation with Trump has already been leaked, hasn't it? And what "illegal" thing did Trump say? "Flynn is a nice guy. I hope you can let this go" meaning "I hope you are able to terminate this investigation because you find Flynn did nothing illegal".

So yes, there is nothing to see here. Zilch.
"Meaning" meaning how you believe it happened. Were you in the Oval when this happened?

Look, I don't believe there was any collusion between Trump and the Russians. Monafort is shady and the investigation into his actions will likely turn up something criminal. We don't know yet if Flynn broke any laws, but good guy or not, no one is above the law. But I don't believe Trump colluded with Russians or broke any laws relating to Monafort or Flynn. That is, until/unless it's true he tried influencing the Flynn investigation.

Here's the deal: Trump may be completely innocent of any collusion and not involved in any shady dealings with Monafort or Flynn ... but if he pressures the Director of the FBI to end an investigation, and then when the Director doesn't end it, he fires him ... Trump will have a problem.

Obstruction of justice statutes are intentionally broad in their definition. The definition, “obstructs, influences or impedes any official proceeding," is likely being researched and looked over by a lot of members of Congress this morning.

Complicating this is Trump's firing of Comey, and Trump's interview on national tv where he said the investigation was a big reason as to why he fired him. The issue isn't whether Trump had the legal right to fire Comey, the issue is why he chose to do so. Any legal act could also be considered obstruction if it was done with corrupt intentions.

Trump needs to turn off his phone, stop tweeting, and have a long talk with his WH counsel. This is serious, grown up, adult stuff. He could be in serious legal jeopardy.

There's a reason why not one GOP member of Congress defended Trump last night. While Trump supporters are in denial, those who aren't biased, who are able to be objective can see Trump is in a precarious situation. And don't blame the media for this. This is Trump's own doing. He tweeted the threats against Comey. He lied about tapes, just as he lied about obama wiretapping Trump Tower.

Also, Trump claims he didn't ask Comey to end the investigation. The WH released a statement yesterday claiming the POTUS did not ask Comey to end any investigation, including Flynn's. So now he's set himself up to be proven a liar if/when the contents of the Comey memo's are made public. And they absolutely should be made public, if there isn't any classified information contained in them.

He may just want to stay over in the middle east once Chaffetz and the Oversight committee get all the memos and documents from the FBI detailing the conversations and interactions Comey had with Trump.

Last edited by n david; 05-17-2017 at 11:00 AM.
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Old 05-17-2017, 10:43 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Because they've sold their souls to the GOP. lol
Not even to the GOP. They've sold their souls to Trump. I get it. They've invested heavily in Trump. "In Trump We Trust," is the motto of Coulter and the majority of Trump supporters. It's like a cult. Dear leader can do no wrong. Anyone who dares to suggest dear leader is wrong is lied about, slandered and called a traitor.
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Old 05-17-2017, 10:50 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
That is the essence of the comment the President made to the now fired former FBI Director who should be locked up IMO.

Comey is a subversive that should be locked up.
What crime has Comey committed? This kind of talk is a bit ... fascist. You're calling for a man who has committed no crime to be "locked up" simply for daring to expose the POTUS as a liar. Then you create threads praising Putin, a murderous tyrant??? Brother, Trump isn't worth it. No politician is worth it.

Again, what crime has Comey committed.

Last edited by n david; 05-17-2017 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 05-17-2017, 10:51 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I've not seen any hatred for our Founders among the left. In fact, I see more respect for the spirit of personal liberty that our Founders believed in on the left.

That is hilarious. And completely false.
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Old 05-17-2017, 10:54 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Specifically, what about his position on religious liberty do you agree with?

I think he's a corporate hack.
Specifically, what about his position on corporations do you not agree with, specifically? Please submit your thesis, single-spaced, 500 words, with footnotes citing your sources.

Last edited by n david; 05-17-2017 at 11:01 AM.
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Old 05-17-2017, 11:23 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by n david View Post
"Meaning" meaning how you believe it happened. Were you in the Oval when this happened?

Look, I don't believe there was any collusion between Trump and the Russians. Monafort is shady and the investigation into his actions will likely turn up something criminal. We don't know yet if Flynn broke any laws, but good guy or not, no one is above the law. But I don't believe Trump colluded with Russians or broke any laws relating to Monafort or Flynn. That is, until/unless it's true he tried influencing the Flynn investigation.

Here's the deal: Trump may be completely innocent of any collusion and not involved in any shady dealings with Monafort or Flynn ... but if he pressures the Director of the FBI to end an investigation, and then when the Director doesn't end it, he fires him ... Trump will have a problem.

Obstruction of justice statutes are intentionally broad in their definition. The definition, “obstructs, influences or impedes any official proceeding," is likely being researched and looked over by a lot of members of Congress this morning.

Complicating this is Trump's firing of Comey, and Trump's interview on national tv where he said the investigation was a big reason as to why he fired him. The issue isn't whether Trump had the legal right to fire Comey, the issue is why he chose to do so. Any legal act could also be considered obstruction if it was done with corrupt intentions.

Trump needs to turn off his phone, stop tweeting, and have a long talk with his WH counsel. This is serious, grown up, adult stuff. He could be in serious legal jeopardy.

There's a reason why not one GOP member of Congress defended Trump last night. While Trump supporters are in denial, those who aren't biased, who are able to be objective can see Trump is in a precarious situation. And don't blame the media for this. This is Trump's own doing. He tweeted the threats against Comey. He lied about tapes, just as he lied about obama wiretapping Trump Tower.

Also, Trump claims he didn't ask Comey to end the investigation. The WH released a statement yesterday claiming the POTUS did not ask Comey to end any investigation, including Flynn's. So now he's set himself up to be proven a liar if/when the contents of the Comey memo's are made public. And they absolutely should be made public, if there isn't any classified information contained in them.

He may just want to stay over in the middle east once Chaffetz and the Oversight committee get all the memos and documents from the FBI detailing the conversations and interactions Comey had with Trump.
You are assuming he pressured Comey to end the investigation. That's a bad assumption. The FBI had already declared by that point he Flynn had not broken any law.
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Old 05-17-2017, 11:24 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by n david View Post
What crime has Comey committed? This kind of talk is a bit ... fascist. You're calling for a man who has committed no crime to be "locked up" simply for daring to expose the POTUS as a liar. Then you create threads praising Putin, a murderous tyrant??? Brother, Trump isn't worth it. No politician is worth it.

Again, what crime has Comey committed.

Abusing your office to protect Hillary is obstruction of justice.
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Old 05-17-2017, 11:26 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: POTUS, Comey and TapeGate

Originally Posted by n david View Post

That is hilarious. And completely false.
Wow. A sees no hatred for our founders among the left?
What about all of the leftists screaming that anyone who lived during the time of slavery needs their name removed from anything that is named after them.
A is either willfully closing his eyes/ears or not stating the truth.
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan
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