Originally Posted by Originalist
RADICAL pro-common core.
Jeb is radical is his view. He claims that the Federal Government is NOT involved in Common Core. Ted Cruz rebutted the claim by Jeb saying, "This is how it works. The Obama administration has used race to the top money, federal money to force states to adopt Common Core standards."
Anyone that has an understanding of Common Core and wants to be honest about it knows this. Obviously, Jeb doesn't want to be honest about it. And Megyn Kelly, who claims to do ALL of her research, tried to side with Jeb Bush on what he claimed were the facts.
Which brings me to this article, which is a good read. He goes into why Jeb will need the middle class vote, but won't get it, just like Mitt Romney didn't get it.
Why Jeb Bush Will Never Be President
"It doesn’t matter how much money he raises. It doesn’t matter how much the liberal media tries to brainwash us about how he’s the only “electable” candidate we have. It doesn’t matter how many people he has shilling for him on Fox News. And it doesn’t even matter how unlikeable Hillary Clinton is or how little the public trusts her." - See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/c....PRshht7g.dpuf