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Old 03-05-2014, 07:22 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

did you guys know that satan is even in your instrumental music? even 'Christian' music? At least if the "440 v 432 hz" argument, which i find persuasive, has any merit...
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Old 03-07-2014, 04:56 AM
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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
did you guys know that satan is even in your instrumental music? even 'Christian' music? At least if the "440 v 432 hz" argument, which i find persuasive, has any merit...
This may have more to do with Mr. Marley and the one to whom he sings.

Rastafarians like Marley believed that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is the Almighty. They even claim the Bible teaches this to be so.

This, by the way, is the Ethiopian leader who was persecuting and killing Apostolic Pentecostal Christians back in the day (See Nona Freeman's two books about the Ethiopian revival Then Came the Glory and Unseen Hands).

Further, we are told by Paul that what the gentiles sacrifice to are devils, and music is often a key feature of all spiritual activity, so is it any wonder that an evil spirit might involve itself in the music of a false god worshiping heathen?
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Old 03-07-2014, 12:39 PM
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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

Originally Posted by JacobSauceda View Post
I listen to Christian pop punk. I like the pop punk sound, but the words aren't too great, so I found afew good Christian bands with the same sound. They all sing about God and their songs are encouraging, but my grandmother told me I shouldn't listen to anything but old gospel songs because other music types, even if Christian, are bad.(all Christian) Rap, rock, punk, pop punk, pop, hip-hop, ect. She said the music is of the devil. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

GRANDMA is correct!
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:37 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
This may have more to do with Mr. Marley and the one to whom he sings.

Rastafarians like Marley believed that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is the Almighty. They even claim the Bible teaches this to be so.

This, by the way, is the Ethiopian leader who was persecuting and killing Apostolic Pentecostal Christians back in the day (See Nona Freeman's two books about the Ethiopian revival Then Came the Glory and Unseen Hands).

Further, we are told by Paul that what the gentiles sacrifice to are devils, and music is often a key feature of all spiritual activity, so is it any wonder that an evil spirit might involve itself in the music of a false god worshiping heathen?
ok, so rasta is bad, mmmkay--what religion is not. i know a few Apo/Pents who could do with a fat dose of persecution, myself. Christianity is the bloodiest religion ever devised, so your pointed finger does not make it to Bob, as far as i can see--unless you know for a fact that he bowed to Selassie--and amounts to a convenient way to judge. we live in a fallen world. see the good, eh? I mean, Catholics pray to Mary, too; Pentecostals add things to Scripture.

oh, and you might check out Cartman's send up of 'Christian' music, and apply it to that syrupy yack that comes out of many churches, still, yet today. gag me with a fork already.

Last edited by shazeep; 03-07-2014 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:47 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

"In the 1970s, the popularity of Jamaica's reggae music and musician Bob Marley prompted interest in dreadlocks internationally. The anti-establishment philosophy of Rastafari, echoed in much of the reggae of the time, resonated with leaning youth of all ethnicities — especially and primarily among African Americans and other Blacks, but among counterculture whites as well.[32] Eastern Christians are encouraged to wear long hair with long beard." (ty Amanah)

wadr, your 'establishment' could do with some persecution as well, imo--and i hope it falls down a hole. oh, wait, it is, right in front of us.
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Old 03-11-2014, 11:58 PM
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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

shazeep, what is this nonsense?

Marley's song "Selassie is the Chapel"

Haile Selassie is the Chapel
Power of the Trinity (Trinity, Trinity is He)
Build your mind on this direction
Serve the living God and live (Living God and Live)
Take your troubles to Selassie
He is the only King of Kings (King of kings, King of kings is he)
Conquering Lion of Judah
Triumphantly we all must sing (All must sing, all must sing)
I search and I search on book of Man
In the Revelation, look what I find
Haile Selassie is the Chapel
And the world should know (All should know, all should know)
That man is the Angel
Our God, the King of Kings
i know a few Apo/Pents who could do with a fat dose of persecution, myself
You want God's people to be mistreated, injured, hunted, tortured, and killed? Are you sick?

Christianity is the bloodiest religion ever devised
God devised Christianity, so are you accusing Him?

What humans have done in the "name of Christ" versus what Christ Jesus Himself actually wants for and from us as Christian are two different things.

...unless you know for a fact that he bowed to Selassie
Marley is the one who called Selassie the Almighty.

oh, and you might check out Cartman's send up of 'Christian' music, and apply it to that syrupy yack that comes out of many churches, still, yet today. gag me with a fork already.
I don't listen to "Christian" music. But I also wouldn't go and listen to a vile, ungodly cartoon character created by even more vile and ungodly men just to hear how they critique music I don't care for.
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Old 03-12-2014, 12:02 AM
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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
"In the 1970s, the popularity of Jamaica's reggae music and musician Bob Marley prompted interest in dreadlocks internationally. The anti-establishment philosophy of Rastafari, echoed in much of the reggae of the time, resonated with leaning youth of all ethnicities — especially and primarily among African Americans and other Blacks, but among counterculture whites as well.[32] Eastern Christians are encouraged to wear long hair with long beard." (ty Amanah)
Rastafarians took their name from the Ethiopian phrase Ras Tafari, a title applied to Selassie, who they worshipped as God and Christ.

wadr, your 'establishment' could do with some persecution as well, imo--and i hope it falls down a hole. oh, wait, it is, right in front of us.
There is NO RESPECT in such a statement. Do you have any idea what persecution is? Do you not know of believers in Jesus Christ being raped, mutilated, eaten alive by lions, dogs, and bears, being sent to the "Hot Seat", having their children massacred before their eyes, men and women being boiled alive in oil, burned at the stake, and in some cases, even being skinned alive? Not to mention whatever other tortures and executions, like merely being crucified like Christ?

And this is what you want?

I denounce this! Shame on you.
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Old 03-12-2014, 12:32 AM
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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

wadr, your 'establishment' could do with some persecution as well, imo--and i hope it falls down a hole. oh, wait, it is, right in front of us
Someone from my "establishment", when he was a young youth pastor in his native country of Liberia, introduced another young man from the local Lutheran church to Acts 2:38. This young man visited my friend's church, and submitted to immersion in the name of Jesus Christ and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

A clandestine group from the Lutheran church came by night, kidnapped my friend and some of the other young men and locked in them in a room, beat them up, tied them to a wall, and had them scourged with a whip, releasing them in the morning.

My friend and his brothers from my establishment came out of that circumstance literally with hands raised to the Lord praising and thanking God that they had been counted worthy to suffer shame and persecution for the name of Jesus Christ.

What you don't get, shazeep, in your quickly spouted but not thought out rhetoric and polemic is that the only establishment to which I belong is the Kingdom of God.

And if that's the "establishment" you hope falls down a hole, then when Christ comes through the clouds, then I fully expect you not to meet Him in the air. The GLORIOUS CHURCH will be presented to the Bridegroom without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. But your comments in this post have stained you, as far as I'm concerned. I don't expect you to care what I think, and that is fine.

But what if the Savior thinks the same of you? I hope you care about that.
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Last edited by votivesoul; 03-12-2014 at 12:35 AM.
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Old 03-12-2014, 07:30 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

ok, well, never heard that Marley song! So i'll back up on that one, at least until i meet some rastas and see what that's all about. i stand by the rest, tho, but don't feel like defending it; let's put it down to diff povs.
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Old 03-13-2014, 01:52 AM
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Re: Are certain Christian music genres bad?

I can drop it, too.
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