Originally Posted by Originalist
The latter.
For the first time in my life I'm cheering the thought of Russian troops. Maybe if Putin sends 50,000 troops or so to Syria, Obamastan will back down. This man is an illegitimate President and deserves to be humbled big time.
Yes I think Putin would be a better leader than the ones we have now. It looks as if we are the bad guys in this situation. Asssad is no angel but the Christian community there FELT safe with him.
The Rebels are Al Quieda who start chopping off heads as soon as they get a chance.
Are we not at war with Al Quieda? What is this war on TERROR? Is it not war against militant Islam?
Fight them in Iraq and Afghanistan and help them take over nations in the middle east.
Its no wonder American soldiers are committing suicide at record levels.