Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
deacon blues supports cutting medicaid, cutting social security, cutting food stamps and cutting medicare. he is a died in the wool republican. he claims that liberals despise rich people. in my view, these positions are nonchristian whether he believes these positions are the role of government or private individuals is immaterial. these programs have helped millions of people much more than the church could have done.
I have seen food stamps abused more then I have seen them used responsibly.
I have seen people abuse the welfare system to the point where they have spawned 2 to 3 generations of uneducated, lazy, individuals who are not only completely useless without government aid, but are actually a danger to themselves and society. We have a welfare system that has crippled this nation's inner city because it doesn't work. We have an up and coming generation of illiterates, not only in poor communities but in middle class and rich communities.
I see it everyday amongst this nations youth. They are ungrateful, seflish, ignorant of their surroundings, unfit to vacuum the floor of most businesses, don't know how to address adults, don't know how to do anything but play video games and spend money on things they don't need.
This nation is not full of poor people because of a lack of social programs. It's because this nation lost it's character a long time ago. I don't care how much money you spend on social programs, you will continue to do so and you'll only spend more and more. Social programs will not fix poverty in America. Sorry, it won't.
You can't give money to women on their second out of wedlock child with a different father and expect her to go to school, get an education, and provide a wonderful life for her kids. Sorry 9 times out of 10 they just have another one... and possibly another, and their children learn their parent's habits and do the same thing if they live past 21, because the sad fact is our youth are dying more and more.
I have lived it. I have seen it with my own two eyes. Just about every woman I graduated with from High School years ago got pregnant out of wedlock and is either living on public assistance or struggling in some way. Many of them are on their third out of wedlock child, and if you dare tell them they did anything wrong and they don't deserve to keep having children and keep expecting government assistance they'll fight you quick fast and in a hurry, because that's the generation we live in now. I do what I want and SOMEBODY ELSE can deal with the consequences.
I spent a good amount of my time in ministry on the streets of DC preaching, witnessing, dealing with problems you couldn't imagine. The vast majority of people on public assistance will buy rims for their car before they buy food for their children. Poverty is not a huge issue, irresponsibility, lack of inspiration, laziness, slothfulness, and a sense of entitlement IS a problem. And it's a cultural problem that is draining this nation of it's resources.