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07-12-2012, 03:27 PM
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Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by aegsm76
JD - I perceive you as somewhat the opposite of those who constantly oppose BHO and his policies.
You have seemed determined to defend BHO and his policies, almost no matter the position.
And to attack those who oppose him.
Groundless attacks are a sign of anger, fear and ignorance.
I don't defend him on all policies or on all positions. I have criticized and agreed with criticism of the President before.
Who will speak up for the President on AFF when he is lied on, exaagerated about, and thoughtful discourse is cast to the side as vast majority of conservatives line up to beat him without solid reasons?
There is plenty to criticize this American President on without spreading foolishness and falacies. Too many conservatives try to paint President Obama as the boogey man without any respect for the facts.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
07-12-2012, 06:55 PM
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Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Groundless attacks are a sign of anger, fear and ignorance.
I don't defend him on all policies or on all positions. I have criticized and agreed with criticism of the President before.
Who will speak up for the President on AFF when he is lied on, exaagerated about, and thoughtful discourse is cast to the side as vast majority of conservatives line up to beat him without solid reasons?
There is plenty to criticize this American President on without spreading foolishness and falacies. Too many conservatives try to paint President Obama as the boogey man without any respect for the facts.
i havent seen anythign on here about him that aint true
07-14-2012, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 12,362
Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
So much of what you type is fear-mongering based in falsehoods and far out conspiracies.
The Treaty in question does nothing against gun owners in America who own their guns lawfully.
Furthermore, neither Hillary, Barack, or the U.N. can do what you are implying.
You spew junk that fuels an irrational disdain for the current Administration.
You and the people who feed you are no worst a nemesis to thoughtful discourse concerning this Administration as Hollywood was to GWB.
They were irrational in some of their criticisms-- but the Patriot Act and it's true freedom-limiting guidelines were passed under the "watchful eye" of a Republican White House, Senate and House of Representatives. Go figure!
Given the antics, exaagerations and lies perceived to have occurred under GWB's Adminstration, Hollywood's, the Democrats' and Independents' true disdain for GWB didn't begin to truly manifest itself NATIONALLY until the latter third of GWB's Presidency-- after two wars, many mistakes, and TRILLIONS of DOLLARS SPENT BUT UNACCOUNTED on the GWOT.
From day 1 of this Administration's term in office, you and the others you feed off of have been RELENTLESS in irrational exaagerations and criticisms of all things concerning this Administration.
The collected antics of you and the others you feed off of will only drive away the rational, solid, pricipled voters known as "Independents"-- who read the fears and refuse to even sip the poison of irrational discourse on irrational conspiracies, groundless criticisms, and accusations with barely a shred of any verity to them.
Romney can only be seen as benign and thus attractive as a candidate as long as the fear mongerers and the irrational far right nimcompoops can stay quiet enough to not cloud the national political discourse with their tripe.
Some people who call themselves Republican should be muzzled until AFTER the election, so that the Republicans can win.
If irrational discourse and fear mongering is what America wanted, then the powers that be in the GOP would have pushed for Trump-- but Romney is our national face!
And why would that be? Why would A milque-toast, flip-flopping, out-of-touch gazziolionaire be our Party's nominee for President?
Because most Americans are tired of far right stupidity!
Though I may criticize Romney, he is NOTHING like GWB's caricature, and nothing like the stereotypical gun-slinging, tobaccy spitting, scripture quoting, hypocritical, war mongering, ignorant sounding, cocky quipping and posturing bigot that so many IN OUR COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD picture our Party to represent.
Jermery did I catch you when you were hungry?
You are so full of Obama that the truth doesn't matter to You.
You think this isn't possible? Have you any idea what is really in the Obamacare package? Are you so full of Obama you can't see or just don't care for truth.
I did not agree with everything Bush did but he was a lot better than you paint him. But then you feed on a democratic agenda. Who cares about truth.
You accuse me of spewing junk about the current administration...I'm still waiting on you to point to anything this administration has done worth while.
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07-14-2012, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 12,362
Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by canam
i havent seen anythign on here about him that aint true
For some truth don't matter. They have on rose colored glasses.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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07-14-2012, 12:08 PM
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Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
I am still waiting for JD to give some examples of the antics, exaggerations and lies that occured under GWB...
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan
07-14-2012, 09:24 PM
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Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by Esther
Jermery did I catch you when you were hungry?
You are so full of Obama that the truth doesn't matter to You.
You think this isn't possible? Have you any idea what is really in the Obamacare package? Are you so full of Obama you can't see or just don't care for truth.
I did not agree with everything Bush did but he was a lot better than you paint him. But then you feed on a democratic agenda. Who cares about truth.
You accuse me of spewing junk about the current administration...I'm still waiting on you to point to anything this administration has done worth while.
What you are talking about ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be accomplished solely by one, two, or ten people in the Executive Branch of our government.
Esther, what you have alluded to is hogwash. It's political backwater and you can continue to drink it if you desire.
I prefer rational criticisms of a Democrat President, who has not done everything right or everything wrong.
Do you think that anything good has happened while Obama has been in office?
Has Obama done nothing but bad from day 1 to now?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 07-14-2012 at 09:54 PM.
07-14-2012, 09:53 PM
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Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by aegsm76
I am still waiting for JD to give some examples of the antics, exaggerations and lies that occured under GWB...
Perceptions is the key word you appear to have missed.
However, the Patriot Act, Abu Gharib, and maybe you can remind me why AG Gonzalez was FORCED to resign.
The War in Iraq was necessary because of what-- because everyone knows that Hussein had everything to do with 9/11, right?
Does ANYONE knows how much money the Federal government lost track of, regarding the LUCRATIVE government contracts for companies that had been directly connected to Cheney at one point? No fire there, right?
Hurrican Katrina was a failure of government at the Federal, State, and local level. GWB's response to Katrina was disappointing, and that is being polite. However, even he has publicly admitted his regrets about that whole ordeal-- his response and the groundless, insulting accusations that followed. It was stupid to say that GWB hated black people-- absolutely stupid and absolutely not true!
Nevertheless, GWB and his Administration EARNED their disdain-- no doubt about it! The vast majority of America was happy to see GWB go.
The Obama Administration has been faced with disdain from day 1, with much of it being groundless, stupidly partisan and some would even say racist.
In that vein, I think the reason why SO MANY CONSERVATIVES like to try to point out that X% of black people voted for Obama because he was black because it helps them to justify the x + more% of people who did not vote for him because of his skin color-- but that is a subject for another thread.
Even still, it is hard to talk about dumb accusations against Obama and to not think about all of the reasons why they may persist.
Barack Hussein Obama was born in America and IS the elected President of OUR United States of America! President Obama is the President of the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Independents-- he is the elected President of all AMERICAN citizens.
Are you an American? Then President Barack Hussein Obama is your President and he will likely be re-elected as your President.
My use of "your" is not directed solely at one person-- I am speaking to the collective spiteful soul of many conservatives who have been relentless in their stupidity towards our President.
He is not a god, nor a savior and he never claimed that title and his supporters don't ascribe these attributes to him. Conservatives however, in their spiteful sarcasm, ascribe these attributes to him, disdainfully.
Obama is NOT a Muslim.
Obama did very well academically in college and in law school.
Obama, the volunteer community organizer, is more in touch with everyday Americans than Romney will ever be.
Obama is not plotting to turn America into a third world country, neither is he able to turn America into a third world country, or a second-rate nation like Greece.
Obama does not want to take away our right to bear arms, neither is he able to take away our right to bear arms.
Obama is NOT the anti-Christ.
Anyone want to add anything else to the list of dumb accusations against this President-- groundless accusations that have persisted for far, far too long?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 07-14-2012 at 10:13 PM.
07-15-2012, 07:49 PM
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Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Perceptions is the key word you appear to have missed.
However, the Patriot Act, Abu Gharib, and maybe you can remind me why AG Gonzalez was FORCED to resign.
The War in Iraq was necessary because of what-- because everyone knows that Hussein had everything to do with 9/11, right?
Does ANYONE knows how much money the Federal government lost track of, regarding the LUCRATIVE government contracts for companies that had been directly connected to Cheney at one point? No fire there, right?
Hurrican Katrina was a failure of government at the Federal, State, and local level. GWB's response to Katrina was disappointing, and that is being polite. However, even he has publicly admitted his regrets about that whole ordeal-- his response and the groundless, insulting accusations that followed. It was stupid to say that GWB hated black people-- absolutely stupid and absolutely not true!
Nevertheless, GWB and his Administration EARNED their disdain-- no doubt about it! The vast majority of America was happy to see GWB go.
The Obama Administration has been faced with disdain from day 1, with much of it being groundless, stupidly partisan and some would even say racist.
In that vein, I think the reason why SO MANY CONSERVATIVES like to try to point out that X% of black people voted for Obama because he was black because it helps them to justify the x + more% of people who did not vote for him because of his skin color-- but that is a subject for another thread.
Even still, it is hard to talk about dumb accusations against Obama and to not think about all of the reasons why they may persist.
Barack Hussein Obama was born in America and IS the elected President of OUR United States of America! President Obama is the President of the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Independents-- he is the elected President of all AMERICAN citizens.
Are you an American? Then President Barack Hussein Obama is your President and he will likely be re-elected as your President.
My use of "your" is not directed solely at one person-- I am speaking to the collective spiteful soul of many conservatives who have been relentless in their stupidity towards our President.
He is not a god, nor a savior and he never claimed that title and his supporters don't ascribe these attributes to him. Conservatives however, in their spiteful sarcasm, ascribe these attributes to him, disdainfully.
Obama is NOT a Muslim.
Obama did very well academically in college and in law school.
Obama, the volunteer community organizer, is more in touch with everyday Americans than Romney will ever be.
Obama is not plotting to turn America into a third world country, neither is he able to turn America into a third world country, or a second-rate nation like Greece.
Obama does not want to take away our right to bear arms, neither is he able to take away our right to bear arms.
Obama is NOT the anti-Christ.
Anyone want to add anything else to the list of dumb accusations against this President-- groundless accusations that have persisted for far, far too long?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
07-16-2012, 02:17 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 12,362
Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
What you are talking about ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be accomplished solely by one, two, or ten people in the Executive Branch of our government.
Esther, what you have alluded to is hogwash. It's political backwater and you can continue to drink it if you desire.
I prefer rational criticisms of a Democrat President, who has not done everything right or everything wrong.
Do you think that anything good has happened while Obama has been in office?
Has Obama done nothing but bad from day 1 to now?
No I don't know of one good thing he has done and neither have you listed one.
You drink the kool aide if you want, but Obama is nothing but a liar! The Democrat party is NOT what they once were. I left that party after Carter make the huge flop as the worst president until Obama.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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07-16-2012, 02:21 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 12,362
Re: Back door GUN CONTROL by Obama and Hilary with
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Perceptions is the key word you appear to have missed.
However, the Patriot Act, Abu Gharib, and maybe you can remind me why AG Gonzalez was FORCED to resign.
The War in Iraq was necessary because of what-- because everyone knows that Hussein had everything to do with 9/11, right?
Does ANYONE knows how much money the Federal government lost track of, regarding the LUCRATIVE government contracts for companies that had been directly connected to Cheney at one point? No fire there, right?
Hurrican Katrina was a failure of government at the Federal, State, and local level. GWB's response to Katrina was disappointing, and that is being polite. However, even he has publicly admitted his regrets about that whole ordeal-- his response and the groundless, insulting accusations that followed. It was stupid to say that GWB hated black people-- absolutely stupid and absolutely not true!
Nevertheless, GWB and his Administration EARNED their disdain-- no doubt about it! The vast majority of America was happy to see GWB go.
The Obama Administration has been faced with disdain from day 1, with much of it being groundless, stupidly partisan and some would even say racist.
In that vein, I think the reason why SO MANY CONSERVATIVES like to try to point out that X% of black people voted for Obama because he was black because it helps them to justify the x + more% of people who did not vote for him because of his skin color-- but that is a subject for another thread.
Even still, it is hard to talk about dumb accusations against Obama and to not think about all of the reasons why they may persist.
Barack Hussein Obama was born in America and IS the elected President of OUR United States of America! President Obama is the President of the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Independents-- he is the elected President of all AMERICAN citizens.
Are you an American? Then President Barack Hussein Obama is your President and he will likely be re-elected as your President.
My use of "your" is not directed solely at one person-- I am speaking to the collective spiteful soul of many conservatives who have been relentless in their stupidity towards our President.
He is not a god, nor a savior and he never claimed that title and his supporters don't ascribe these attributes to him. Conservatives however, in their spiteful sarcasm, ascribe these attributes to him, disdainfully.
Obama is NOT a Muslim.
Obama did very well academically in college and in law school.
Obama, the volunteer community organizer, is more in touch with everyday Americans than Romney will ever be.
Obama is not plotting to turn America into a third world country, neither is he able to turn America into a third world country, or a second-rate nation like Greece.
Obama does not want to take away our right to bear arms, neither is he able to take away our right to bear arms.
Obama is NOT the anti-Christ.
Anyone want to add anything else to the list of dumb accusations against this President-- groundless accusations that have persisted for far, far too long?
Jermery there is no hope for you. Open your eyes to the lies you are swallowing!
Obama and his administration wants your guns! Been trying for years. That is not just an BO issue.
Obama wants to be a dictator and has done everything he can to achieve that. OPEN YOUR EYES!
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