Originally Posted by Neckstadt
More protection is being used because of Aides. More Abortions is lowering the number. More gays are coming out and the crowd is growing in numbers.
2 people working in a marriage these days.
More Ladies are going to college and having life long careers.
The list could go on and on...
I think you're right. These are all valid reasons for why women are having fewer babies.
But here's another view. For many years, I watched people who really had no idea what "family values" means. Some were married with a couple of kids. But they spent no time together as a family. Others were in and out of relationships and marriages as often as some change their underwear. Their lives revolved around themselves. It was all about "me", not "we" (that was true in both kinds of situations)
Now we've changed churches (3 years ago) and have been involved with people who have much stronger family values than I have seen in any church in years. Family is everything (right behind love for God). And guess what - in our church, the vast majority of our families have 4 or 5 kids. And rarely does the wife work outside of the home.
So maybe a big part of the birth decline has to do with the decline in our value of family.