Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
If you were a true prophet (as you imply in all your posts) why are you "pleased" with how we are. Don't you think you would be sad if we are all supposedly lost? Where is your compassion for the lost on this forum?
Or are you a self-proclaimed "Jonah" who after preaching his message was mad that the people actually repented?
Yes, I do want to answer this.
I want it written. And I want you to know.
Whatever I am or whatever I am not.
The power and authority has been given to me by Jesus the Christ, to do as
I do.
I do not answer to no one but He.
For that is His will.
So therefore I am not gong to explain to you how and why I do or feel a certain way or how and why I do not do or feel a certain way.
But I am going to tell you this;
The Lord is going to take from ye and give to another more righteous, that will bring forth the fruits of Holiness unto the Lord.
Those people are coming to Earth soon.
And Samson knew not the Lord had departed from him.
All Ye Christians are Samson.
This would make a great riddle would it not?
Thank you Lord Jesus the Christ
for delivering us from our own sins.
And delivering us out of the hands of the wicked ones and evil.
Thank you for exalting us above yours and our adversaries and enemies.
Victory in Jesus
Victory in Jesus
We know he loves us so
We see the devil
down below.
Victory in Jesus
Victory in Jesus
We know he loves us so.
The Lord is God.