Originally Posted by Traci
You can go to firstchurchmedia.com and see archived services--if you watch Oct 3 am you will see there is some diversity there-- I'm not sure how much though. I have family that go there and I used to go there a long time ago but haven't been in a while.
It is pretty liberal but they do have platform standards.
Not picking on you, but yours may be the 2nd or 3rd post I have read on this thread that has made the leap from culturally diverse to liberal.
I think this may be a common misconception.
There are MORE THAN A FEW UPCI chuches that are culturally diverse and conservative, especially if describing, "conservative" by today's standards.
There are plenty of other non-UPCI churches that are Apostolic, very, very conservative, and not culturally diverse at all.
I agree with Blackwell's opinion on this, though I understand that there are people who simply have their "rathers" and that's acceptable in my book too.