Originally Posted by Cindysgreen
If shes Apostolic she should not be wearing pants, and I dont find it amuzing that u are making fun of ppl. Do unto others as u would want them 2 do un 2 u. Wow. I cant see this as being an Apostolic place for Apostolics to talk with each other. Today is my first day on and I am very disappointed. that is u are all Apostolic.
Let me just give you a heads up.......
This certainly is NOT an online version of your local church fellowship hall.
If you are conservative, or UPC, you will certainly see posts and people here that at first glance (or maybe even every glance after) appear to be anti church, anti Pentecost, anti truth etc. You will find your beliefs in holiness standards mocked and other beliefs questioned.
If you are liberal and "liberated" you will likely think there are to many "ultra cons" here and UPC lovers who need to lighten up and get the "new revelation". You will see posts and people who question your stand or lack thereof on matters of holiness and doctrine.
If you are anywhere in between or are one of the above and have an open mind, you can find many uplifting, informative, interesting, and just plain fun conversations. You may find yourself needing to take a break from time to time as the extremists and folks who love negativity and spreading doubt will grate on your nerves.
If you can "give as good as you get" but with a good spirit and a diplomatic demeanor you can find some good debates and possibly even challenge someones way of thinking, and both of you can see things from a new perspective.
But not everyone here is going to always be nice, open minded, or even seem like a believer, so don't expect the same unity and spirit of your local church fellowship.
There are definite benefits, you just have to know how to sift through the mud to find the gold nuggets.