Last night, it was presented from the pulpit that veggie tales are an ungodly distortment of God's word, that the creators are making fun of and mocking christianity and the Bible, and that no christian should allow their children to partake of such.
I have 2 young children and have seen several episodes of veggie tales, and in my opinion it is the most godly childrens video materials around.
I obviously disagree with the statement made.
So if you are familiar with veggie tales, please give me you opinion. Do you think it goes to far. Is a christian relaxing their standards by allowing their children to watch such? Do you think that veggie tales are ungodly?!
Has the person who expressed these views actually watched VT?
I have to admit to not letting my daughter watch An Easter Carol because of the cucumber ghost, but that's just me.
LOL, We skip thru that part, it scares my daughter as well.
My daughter has watched veggies faithfully for 4 years, since being in her high chair, completely tuned in. I dont regret any of it. She learns valuable lessons thru them. At the end of the show, Bob and Larry generally sumarize the lesson to be learned. They teach principles like loving your neighbor (as the song goes), forgiveness, compassion, putiing God 1st, not being lazy (IE:Mr. Lunt who unfortunatley "tasted to much of the life of ease...'), using your gifs and talents for God. I could go on much further...
One old tape has at the end of it, the St.Patricks 3 leaf clover representing God the Father, God the Son, and God the Hoylyghost explanation, we chose to edit that part out (VHS).
There are valuable morals and lessons taught in veggies (IE: fruits of the Spirit, beattitudes etc.), which are taught in such a way that children can grasp them, and will be able to apply them in life. I'm for veggie tales.
__________________ If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart...
Abraham Lincoln
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Eph. 4:29
I was horrified when I watched them the first time. I had heard their music and it was cute, but if children watched them without having someone tell them the truth, they will have a very distorted view of God.
It has been a looooong time now, but I remember Jonah and the whale. The only thing similarity to the real Bible story was that there was a character named Jonah, he ended up in a fish and there was a town called Nineveh. That is what concerns me.
I personally wish they would just make cute cartoons about moral kid things and not try to tell "Bible stories" that have nothing to do with the Bible. Little kids get in their mind, after watching the same DVD a hundred times, that they learned a Bible story. If they don't go to church or go to a church that doesn't teach the Bible, but just preaches, they will have lies in their heads instead of truth.
It took me over a week to get one child to believe me over the DVD that the story of Esther that they saw was not in the Bible. Sad. Again, it could have been a cute story, if they had not implied it was in the Bible.
So, I guess I would say that I won't show these to any kids I keep. They imply that they are telling a Bible story and what they show is not even close to the truth.
Just my opinion I can see from what I have read here.
Yeah I agree its kind of like people reading the Hair Magic Books and hearing the Hair Magic Messages from a well known evangelist, once they hear it, it hard to get them to believe the Bible.
I think saying that VT are ungodly is a bit much. Why must we find fault with everything. They are very wholesome. I wouldn't mind my kids watching them. Much to say/do about nothing.
I would love your opinion of SuperBook. Robots in Bible times. Instead of complaining what was wrong about the videos, why not take that time to discuss the principles the video is trying to teach? Just a thought.
Maybe what I wrote was taken wrong? I thought someone was asking opinions, and I just gave mine.
The children I knew that watched these videos did NOT go to church on a regular basis. The parents were just wanting them to have positive entertainment and they thought they were getting Bible stories fed to their kids.
Later the kids argued with me when I read a children's Bible story book that had the real stories in them. Because they had watched Veggie Tales a hundred times, they became "truth" to them and the books were just plain wrong. LOL
So my concern with them is that they DO take REAL Bible characters and basic stories and then make up stories that have nothing to do with the Bible. In "my opinion" they could have just made up nice stories and left the Bible out of it.
"I feel" it is confusing to even kids that go to church to have a parent read the true story of Jonah, for instance, and then sit them in front of Veggie Jonah that visits a king that slaps people with fish and has a choir sing to him in the belly of a fish. It would be preferable "to me" for them to just do the same story and NOT use the name Jonah and Ninevah.
Now, with all that said, I am NOT saying they are bad. LOL It is just MY opinion, and wish, that they would leave the Bible out of their movies and that is all.
Last night, it was presented from the pulpit that veggie tales are an ungodly distortment of God's word, that the creators are making fun of and mocking christianity and the Bible, and that no christian should allow their children to partake of such.
I have 2 young children and have seen several episodes of veggie tales, and in my opinion it is the most godly childrens video materials around.
I obviously disagree with the statement made.
So if you are familiar with veggie tales, please give me you opinion. Do you think it goes to far. Is a christian relaxing their standards by allowing their children to watch such? Do you think that veggie tales are ungodly?!
My oh my. Veggie Tales are not intended for mockery at all, but to sincerely get the basic biblical concepts into children using the Bible stories' points from the bible at their age level. Top animators donated their abilities and time for this sincere effort.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Maybe what I wrote was taken wrong? I thought someone was asking opinions, and I just gave mine.
The children I knew that watched these videos did NOT go to church on a regular basis. The parents were just wanting them to have positive entertainment and they thought they were getting Bible stories fed to their kids.
Later the kids argued with me when I read a children's Bible story book that had the real stories in them. Because they had watched Veggie Tales a hundred times, they became "truth" to them and the books were just plain wrong. LOL
So my concern with them is that they DO take REAL Bible characters and basic stories and then make up stories that have nothing to do with the Bible. In "my opinion" they could have just made up nice stories and left the Bible out of it.
"I feel" it is confusing to even kids that go to church to have a parent read the true story of Jonah, for instance, and then sit them in front of Veggie Jonah that visits a king that slaps people with fish and has a choir sing to him in the belly of a fish. It would be preferable "to me" for them to just do the same story and NOT use the name Jonah and Ninevah.
Now, with all that said, I am NOT saying they are bad. LOL It is just MY opinion, and wish, that they would leave the Bible out of their movies and that is all.
Interesting. Most of the kids I know are capable of sorting out fictionalized stories from the "real" ones (for sake of argument, we'll call the Bible stories "real". ). So, how did those kids argue with you? "No, no, you left out the part where the French Peas on the wall made fun of the veggies marching around the city! Get it right!"
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Interesting. Most of the kids I know are capable of sorting out fictionalized stories from the "real" ones (for sake of argument, we'll call the Bible stories "real". ). So, how did those kids argue with you? "No, no, you left out the part where the French Peas on the wall made fun of the veggies marching around the city! Get it right!"
Dude - you crack me up. Well played.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Interesting. Most of the kids I know are capable of sorting out fictionalized stories from the "real" ones (for sake of argument, we'll call the Bible stories "real". ). So, how did those kids argue with you? "No, no, you left out the part where the French Peas on the wall made fun of the veggies marching around the city! Get it right!"
LOL, they just kept telling me that the book was wrong. They really thought they knew better from watching the Veggie Tales. Finally I got my sister, that they spend more time with, to tell them that the book was really true.
Again, I am not against the Veggie guys, I just have an opinion that differs from others. It doesn't bother me to be different. I would have more appreciation for them if they just left Bible characters out of the story line, unless they are going to tell the truth about what happened to those characters.