Originally Posted by OnTheFritz
*sigh* Why can't we just criticize him over an inappropriate joke?
The pedophile spin is ludicrous and I think everyone with any sense realizes it.
Frankly, the fact that the Palin family is spinning it this way makes me think they want this frenzy of media attention to continue more than anything else.
Letterman: “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin
at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”
Palin was in New York with her 14-year-old daughter, Willow.
Palin: 'Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands - that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.' ”
If you want to overlook the fact that it was an easy and very lame save of Letterman to twist what he said about WHICH daughter Pain took to NY with her, you can. The news was very clear about who she took with her. Letterman is a liar - I don't believe him one bit. And it is not funny for a 62-year old man to say something even about Bristol - WHICH - really and truthfully reflects back to the time she did actually become pregnant - 16 and under age.
I don't view it as a spin on Palin's part one little bit.