Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Hey. A thought. Start with engineering, medicine, and the modern banking system.
Islam's contributions are huge. One of the more prevalent ways in which they contributed to the West though, was as a conduit from the East and to preserve many older Greek and Roman writings and technology.
"Engineering" for example included some techniquies in masonry that were originally developed by the Romans and reintroduced to Europe through Moorish Spain (see for example Alhambra).
"Arabic numerals" are actually Sanskrit numerals and thus should be known as "Indian Numerals" except Islam would not allow Europeans to trade directly with India so we got it all through the "middle man."
* The bloodiest wars in human history were then ongoing as Islam (the "Religion of Peace!") was seeking to subdue those ignorant heathen Hindus who first developed the decimal system and the convenient ways of communicating mathmetical equations.
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Then add some simple day-to-day stuff, like, hmmmm, say...let me quickly think - regular bathing?
The Europeans bathed as often as the ice on the lakes and streams allowed. No one "enjoyed" being dirty - but when you're poor and running for your lives it's sometimes necessary.
Soap was actually discovered in the very dim and ancient past when people noticed that their clothes got cleaner when washed downstream from the sites of human sacrifices. The wood ash mixed with human fat would run off into the streams with the rain and made a "natural soap."
Thank the heathen gods and their bloody demands next time you wash a load of clothes.
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Then, after that, study a bit. Then, after that, come back and tell me how terribly wrong you probably think I am. All in that order. Be sure to study as it is unproductive to speak of what you are not versed in.
Now I am puzzled. I am wondering how in the world Islam got tied up with the pirate issue? Those guys seem to be equal opportunity across the board as they do not appear to pick their targets on the basis of any single belief. So, their motive must be something else. I will ponder.
I don't know... maybe because the "pirates" in question are Muslim and cite the Qu'ran for justification of their pirate-like behavior. Of course piracy is far older than Islam - it's just that in today's world Islam is largely controlled by a militant mindset. Take a look at a map of the world and chart all of the armed conflicts that are ongoing - - every one of them exists along the borders of Islam. Is that a coincidence? Or is that an intended feature of Islam itself?
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Decision made. I have scooped up the below quote. It is odorous. The quickly developed plan is to take it outside - then what? I know. I will use it for something positive and do some good. I will fertilize something with it.
Whatever, dude. How about showing some real smarts and some authentic courage and stand up with a bull horn and preach justice and non-violence in Mecca during your next haj? We'll compare the reception you recieve from your "brethren" to the reception you recieve here.