Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
Was Paul's Nazarite vow related to a war?
That's an interesting issue. Paul obviously thought of himself as being in a "war" (
Ephesians 6:12). There is the fact that we as Christian believers are not under the Law and not beholden to it's commands and curses. We see these various aspects of the Law as types and shadows of the things that we face today.
So, though Paul himself wasn't "making war" in the physical sense, he was at war in a spiritual sense. It seems that even in OT times this was an aspect of the Nazarite vows as in the references that Josephus makes.
Being "seperated" unto the Lord involved a variety of types of "separation." One important aspect in the OT was to be separated as a "Holy Warrior" for the defense and conquest of the Holy Land. The Nazarite vows can help us to understand some of the behavior of the OT characters like Urriah.