I've never done this before, don't even know if I'm doing it right. I've been trying for hours to find a way to get some help. I'm backslid and don't want to be. I'm so scared. I just need someone to talk to.
maybell... With words of hope. I have been in this place. It is lonely and a place of fear. The Lord has his Grace. You will find your way home.
I pray the right person comes into your life for a guiding hand..
I heard from may-bell.....She seemed better and thanked us for our prayers. Please continue to pray for her. I am thankful when God puts a burden on my heart to pray for others.
God is merciful and wants to restore you.He loves you. Find a church again. Resist lies of hopelessness. Ive seen so many others restored , that s how I know God wants to restore you.
I don't know who Maybell is, but she sounds like someone who struggles with forgiveness as I do. There are people who can carry on after asking God's forgiveness as if nothing happened, but I'm not one of those people. I self-condemn to the point where I can't accept God's forgiveness because I can't forgive myself. This is such a major struggle in my life that it's hard to move on, even when my will is to accept God's love and forgiveness and move forward.
I'm a weak, carnal person. I try to behave myself but my spirit is much weaker than my flesh. The solution to that problem seems so simple, but for me, it's not. I long for the heart of David, but I'm no David. There are times it seems that giving up would be so much better than continuing to struggle, but I've given up before, and that road isn't a smooth one.
I need deliverance. I know this, but getting it scares me to death. I don't know why either, but it does. I have thought in the past that I could be possessed. I still think that from time to time and if you could see me, you'd understand why I think that.
Anyway, I didn't want to make this thread about me, but I hope that Maybell isn't going through this same thing as I am and I hope she's found what she was seeking.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I don't think maybell will mind my bumping this post to the top of the Prayer Closet section. She answered a private message I sent her and she is still in great need of prayer. Admittedly, sometimes it's difficult to pray for someone we don't know but all of us who read this post need to take her on your heart and pray for her daily.
Please continue to remember to pray for maybell. We've all been in dire need of prayer from time to time.
maybell, I know there are people here who pray. Falla39 is one of the best!
Don't ever think you are a burden to others. Those who love Him, love others and they care about your needs.
I don't know who Maybell is, but she sounds like someone who struggles with forgiveness as I do. There are people who can carry on after asking God's forgiveness as if nothing happened, but I'm not one of those people. I self-condemn to the point where I can't accept God's forgiveness because I can't forgive myself. This is such a major struggle in my life that it's hard to move on, even when my will is to accept God's love and forgiveness and move forward.
I'm a weak, carnal person. I try to behave myself but my spirit is much weaker than my flesh. The solution to that problem seems so simple, but for me, it's not. I long for the heart of David, but I'm no David. There are times it seems that giving up would be so much better than continuing to struggle, but I've given up before, and that road isn't a smooth one.
I need deliverance. I know this, but getting it scares me to death. I don't know why either, but it does. I have thought in the past that I could be possessed. I still think that from time to time and if you could see me, you'd understand why I think that.
Anyway, I didn't want to make this thread about me, but I hope that Maybell isn't going through this same thing as I am and I hope she's found what she was seeking.
I to struggle with the precious forgiveness that our lord and savior Jesus gave us when his blood poured out on that old cross and there was a time when I gave up and backslid.The devil is a lier and he will acuse you to your face and tell you that the blood of Jesus isnt strong enough to cover your sins because if he can get us to feel that way then we are instulting the blood of Jesus by saying he cant cover our sin,and we all know the devil is a lie and our heavenly father paid dearly.When the devil comes to you again with that lie you have the power to trample him under your feet!!!!IN JESUS NAME YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!WE ARE GODS CHILDREN BAUGHT WITH THE BLOOD OF OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!!YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED 2000 YEARS AGO AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO THIS CHILD! GET YOUR HANDS OFF IN JESUS NAME!!!!!
Love covers a multitude of sin!