the point rico my funny friend is that he thinks it is, and is putting words in his mouth, it is blasphemous, dt
Hogwash. 1Cor knows that isn't Jesus. He did it to poke fun at you Republicans. Don't worry though. I am sure admin will delete it for all you whiners!
i believe the picture with obama with Jeus is fine, until he put the words of blasphemy in christs mouth, dont think Jesus wants obama any more than i do, dt
I wouldn't care except for you using the Name of the Lord in Vain in your little photo.
I believe the Lord Obama has embraced is nothing more than a cardboard cut out of what the Catholics believe Jesus may have looked like, so I could care less about that nonsense. You put that up there to be as offensive as you dared to be. So as the donkey lover you purport yourself to be, defend thyself or remove your effigy.
Good Grief!!! If that offends you, you may need to just lock yourself in your house, turn the TV and Computer off and don't see any other human for the rest of your days. If that offends you, you may just be looking for something to be offended by. Perhaps some therapy or medication could help you work through this little issue you're having. I, personally, understand the meaning of the photo and take absolutely no offense by it. GO 1CORINTH!!!
Good Grief!!! If that offends you, you may need to just lock yourself in your house, turn the TV and Computer off and don't see any other human for the rest of your days. If that offends you, you may just be looking for something to be offended by. Perhaps some therapy or medication could help you work through this little issue you're having. I, personally, understand the meaning of the photo and take absolutely no offense by it. GO 1CORINTH!!!
Shouldn't you be eating some dessert or something?
I wouldn't care except for you using the Name of the Lord in Vain in your little photo.
I believe the Lord Obama has embraced is nothing more than a cardboard cut out of what the Catholics believe Jesus may have looked like, so I could care less about that nonsense. You put that up there to be as offensive as you dared to be. So as the donkey lover you purport yourself to be, defend thyself or remove your effigy.
Carpenter, find 50 cents and call someone that cares.