Originally Posted by aegsm76
Maybe I read it wrong, but you made it sound as though he said he did not care if Congress went to the Dems.
That is not what he said.
The question was specifically about the Senate, not the House.
And he said that he wished for the Reps to win, but he could handle it if they did not.
Oh my goodness, if he doesn't care if he loses the Senate, he doesn't care about the House. Hence, he doesn't care about the Congress BECAUSE he wants to be a "FREE AGENT".
Good grief! That doesn't bother you? He is KING!
That is NOT how our government is set up. Ask George Washington who refused to be a KING.
Anyway, on a side note, today they are gathering signatures from the main body of delegates to bring the unbinding to a floor vote. Kendall has already stated they have several plans in place because they expect the GOPe to run rough shod over the conservatives.
This fight is about the Moderates always manipulating the election process to push aside any Conservatives. Ken Cuccinelli is one example of the GOPe supporting a Democrat so that he (a conservative) wouldn't win as Governor in VA. If ya'll are okay with this type of stuff, then there isn't much else to say.
And I do remember several people posting here, including Esaias, who was thoroughly angered by how the GOPe changed the rules to push aside Ron Paul, who clearly had the delegates. That rule change is what allowed Trump to triumphant over anyone else, while not getting the popular vote at the time. If that rule had not been changed for Romney, Trump wouldn't be our nominee.
ALL this group (FTD -Free The Delegates) wants is to not allow any changes to be made - ever. But, NO, the GOPe wants to manipulate the vote very 4 years. We shouldn't allow this top down effect to be in place. I am thankful that someone like Senator Mike Lee took to the floor last night to express those sentiments.
If we are willing to engage in political discussions here, we should also be willing to fight for the things that make us stronger, fair and representative of the people. Trump has run a stealth independent campaign inside the GOP. That should bother us - a lot.
And while I am at it on the SCOTUS picks for the future - our Federal courts are already a dumpster fire. Did John Roberts reform anything? My local country Sheriff even discussed this with me. The Federal courts are hammering the states.
We don't have a party who is willing to strip the judiciary down to its original function — interpreting the law and not reinterpreting the Constitution.
With Trump running around suing people at will and calling for more lawsuits - you think he is going to reform anything? Every Rhino winning down ballot with Trump as the nominee, nothing is going to change.
So, don't try to slap down the fear factor on me about the SCOTUS. Yes, Ferdinand. I am talking to you as well.