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Old 04-26-2010, 09:31 AM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
Oh, but they did, my friend. Their problem happened to be that after they had gotten it right, they were then guilty of committing the ONLY sin for which there is, nor ever shall be forgiveness - blasphemy against the Holy Ghost!
I must have missed that little detail. Blasphemy?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 04-26-2010, 09:45 AM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
That's what the Bible says. But look at the many testimonies where God reaches down to certain individuals in their darkest time -- perhaps on the brink of suicide, perhaps at the bedside of a child with a terminal illness -- and work a great miracle. Sometimes, say the testimonies, their faith was ebbing. Sometimes, and yes I have heard examples of this, they weren't even believers at the time! And yet, for each one of these stories, there are probably many thousands of cases where God (apparently) lets the tragedy go ahead, unabated. And in many of those cases, it is a believer, and their faith is strong! Children die, when parents hold on to their faith and even withhold medical treatment. Say what you will about those parents' wisdom, but you can't fault their faith.

The only way to believe "God is not a respecter of persons" is to ignore the real world, and believe the Bible because you decide you must.

And yet there it is. There will be people who think they got it, but didn't. Would any of them say, here and now in this life, that they are not 100% certain? Sure, some will. But I bet most will not. Many AFFers, in fact, admit they are not sure: http://apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=20984. Are absolutely none of the 100% sure folks wrong?
The problem, as I see it, is simply this - the faith of most people who think they got it right, is based upon beliefs which are not TRUTH!

Do you think God will honor one's faith when such faith is not in accordance with the truth of His written Word? Of course not!

Have you ever read where Jesus said that "many false prophets shall arise and deceive many?"

The religious world which exists today is replete with teachings that will not bring the reward of eternal life which many are being told that it will. Why? Again, it is because they are being deceived through the false, misleading teachings of a multitude of "false prophets" which dominate the worldwide "professing Christian community."

Jesus said that the way which leads to eternal life is "strait, and few there be that find it." On the other hand though He also said that the pathway which leads to eternal damnation is "broad and many there be which go in thereat."

Being a "believer" only will never result in favorable action from God.... one must be a "real Christian" if they expect to receive God's blessings. This should motivate us to exert our very best efforts to "strive to enter into that strait gate which leads to eternal life, for many will seek to enter and shall not be able." (see Luke 13:24)
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Old 04-26-2010, 10:27 AM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
The problem, as I see it, is simply this - the faith of most people who think they got it right, is based upon beliefs which are not TRUTH!

Do you think God will honor one's faith when such faith is not in accordance with the truth of His written Word? Of course not!

Have you ever read where Jesus said that "many false prophets shall arise and deceive many?"

The religious world which exists today is replete with teachings that will not bring the reward of eternal life which many are being told that it will. Why? Again, it is because they are being deceived through the false, misleading teachings of a multitude of "false prophets" which dominate the worldwide "professing Christian community."

Jesus said that the way which leads to eternal life is "strait, and few there be that find it." On the other hand though He also said that the pathway which leads to eternal damnation is "broad and many there be which go in thereat."

Being a "believer" only will never result in favorable action from God.... one must be a "real Christian" if they expect to receive God's blessings. This should motivate us to exert our very best efforts to "strive to enter into that strait gate which leads to eternal life, for many will seek to enter and shall not be able." (see Luke 13:24)
Pick any doctrine that you feel is essential for your salvation, and essential that you get it right. I guarantee you, there will be people who hold an opposing view on that doctrine who would write the very same post you just did, thinking they are right, proving their view scripturally (at least thinking they do, just as you think your view is scripturally provable) and you will be surprised at the judgment. You are the one who has been deceived. Who is right? You?

This gets back to my assertion that the Bible is not clear (using the definition I gave a few posts ago). People can and do support virtually any doctrine, and are thoroughly convinced that they see the only possible correct meaning.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 04-26-2010, 10:36 AM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Pick any doctrine that you feel is essential for your salvation, and essential that you get it right. I guarantee you, there will be people who hold an opposing view on that doctrine who would write the very same post you just did, thinking they are right, proving their view scripturally (at least thinking they do, just as you think your view is scripturally provable) and you will be surprised at the judgment. You are the one who has been deceived. Who is right? You?

This gets back to my assertion that the Bible is not clear (using the definition I gave a few posts ago). People can and do support virtually any doctrine, and are thoroughly convinced that they see the only possible correct meaning.
Timmy, if it be true that the Bible is not clear (as you allege & to which I refute), then what is the source to which we might make an appeal for the determination of what is truth? Surely there must be something that we can employ which will help us to make such a critical distinction! If not, then what purpose shall be achieved in discussions about the matter? If your opinions are correct, then eat, drink and do whatever pleases, for we will soon all die and that will be the end of things......not!
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Old 04-26-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
Timmy, if it be true that the Bible is not clear (as you allege & to which I refute), then what is the source to which we might make an appeal for the determination of what is truth? Surely there must be something that we can employ which will help us to make such a critical distinction! If not, then what purpose shall be achieved in discussions about the matter? If your opinions are correct, then eat, drink and do whatever pleases, for we will soon all die and that will be the end of things......not!
First, regarding the advice in your last line. You assume that everyone needs divine incentive to behave. Whether the incentive is a carrot (heaven) or a stick (hell), perhaps it is true of some people, and some may need both. Yes, some atheists and agnostics and other varieties of non-Christians are horrible people. BUT! Not all! In my experience, most are wonderful people. And some Christians are pretty nasty! Again, most are great. I don't guess what the ratios are, but the exceptions do disprove your assertion, regardless. You don't need a threat to be good. Some people are good just because it's the right thing to do. And it's true that nobody is perfect (whether Christian or not), but religion doesn't seem to be a major determining factor. (I could actually cite examples showing that religion, in fact, is often an incentive to be really, really nasty!)

As for whether the Bible is clear, I guess this is one of those things one must accept on faith. There is no evidence (other than faith itself) that it is clear, so the definition of faith in Hebrews perfectly applies! There is abundant evidence to the contrary, but one must ignore that evidence, apparently.

What is the source for determining what is true? How about our minds? How about open eyes? Look at the real world for what it is, and not just what a collection of ancient writings says it is, or should be.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 04-26-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
Allow me to note that my question to you was - “What does the presence of divisions among those who proclaim themselves to be Christians signify (i.e., portend)?” Now I was not referring to “divisions” among those who do not proclaim themselves to be Christians; but to Christians only. Let me provide you with just a few things which I believe the Scriptures disclose about the matter of “divisions” among “professing” Christians.
So what if you're the one who's wrong, which would also "portend" that you're not the "real Christian"? Have you ever considered that possibility at all?
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Old 04-26-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
Allow me to provide just one example of how many of the translations differ in the manner in which they express some things.

In Acts 2:1, the KJV discloses the fact that 120 disciples of Jesus were gathered in the upper room while awaiting the arrival of the "promise of the Father," and that these were "all with one accord." Almost without exception, every other translation omits this important element, with most asserting that "they were assembled together," or something along that line of thought, but never that they were of "one accord." Now it is possible for many to be assembled together, as I am sure you would agree, with each person embracing or entertaining a "different" opinion about a particular matter, but that is sheer confusion.... not "agreement."

Not to mention the fact (that is if the KJV is the "true" translation) that the absence of the "accord" factor represents a violation of what we find written in Revelation 22:18-19 - the prohibition against "adding to" or "taking away from" the things which God inspired holy men of olden times to write for our benefit.

Not true. Other translations DO include this element, when they use the word "Together." Without that word, it would read, "They were gathered." But the addition of the word "Together" makes the identical point as, "In one accord." It's just a different usage of the language.
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Old 04-26-2010, 01:14 PM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by BeenThinkin View Post
Great post! But I do ask, with open and honest heart, how do you define the "One True Church?" There are so many different Oneness Pentecostal Churches. The UPCI, in many cases, proclaims itself as the One True Church. Then there is the ALJC (oneness), The Tulsa group, (don't remember their call letters) they are oneness. And that's just a few of the many organizations. There are independent oneness groups all across the country more strict than the UPCI in many cases. ??? One True Church where art thou? ???? I haven't even gotten to the "quote" Trinity "unquote" groups that the oneness agree have the Holy Ghost. Does God really give them His Holy Ghost, (and I believe He does) if they are not a part of the One True Church?

Just thinking out loud!

Been Thinkin

Been Thinkin
So Been Thinkin', explain this.....the so-called "Trinity" is a so-called, "False doctrine", correct? Yet, many so-called "Oneness" people agree that so-called Trinitarians (I'm using the phrase "so-called" because the entire debate is worthless, pointless, and absurd) are indeed, "Filled with the Holy Ghost."

So how can that be? How can someone be filled with the Spirit that is in "False Doctrine"? That makes no sense at all.
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Old 04-26-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
So Been Thinkin', explain this.....the so-called "Trinity" is a so-called, "False doctrine", correct? Yet, many so-called "Oneness" people agree that so-called Trinitarians (I'm using the phrase "so-called" because the entire debate is worthless, pointless, and absurd) are indeed, "Filled with the Holy Ghost."

So how can that be? How can someone be filled with the Spirit that is in "False Doctrine"? That makes no sense at all.
And how 'bout those tongue-talkin' Mormons of the 19th Century?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 04-26-2010, 01:19 PM
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Re: Timmy Talk

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
And so it is, this is why I was prompted, in my initial posting, to respond to your recognition that "divisions" among members of the present-day Church (because of differences about such things as facial hair on men; the wearing of wristwatches/wedding bands; the length of women's skirts/dresses; etc), represents such significance. Indeed, because we today have become so engrossed in such matters, the primary focus for the presence of the Church in the world has been severely neglected. I say this to its shame!

This is strictly my opinion, and to which perhaps even many of my fellow Christians would not readily agree.

But wait...I thought you said all the "real Christians" agreed and the cause of divisions were due to the fact that many false Christians existed?
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