Originally Posted by Jekyll
No, it's our rock solid answer when false doctrine wants to try to erode a foundation of the church...do not mistake our defense of the Word of God for blindly stumbling around on just one principle...
And to try to discredit a key to salvation by ragging on the UPC for defending it is tired immature babble that has been tried before and is old and transparent...
phssssht pleeeze...
I will defend the truth of the salvation message. Repentence, Water Baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the HG.
It seems at times that is all the UPC has to offer.
Then many of these folks then move onto other churches.
There needs to be more application preaching so folks first, second, third and next generation Apostolic folks know more than how to quote
Acts 2:38.
Many of them by my own account after knowing many folks over the years in the largest churches.
Can't explain what they know and why.
The salvation message is for the sinner.
For the most part the preacher has left the saint in the pew....