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Old 05-03-2018, 09:13 PM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
He was a socialist way before that. He decided to join the CPUSA late in life. He didn't just suddenly flip from saint to communist. His entire life was that of a socialist activist. And socialism is just communism for people who don't want to be called communists.

From his book:
"The world-old phenomenon of the contact of diverse races of men is to have new exemplification during the new century. Indeed, the characteristic of our age is the contact of European civilization with the world's undeveloped peoples. Whatever we may say of the results of such contact in the past, it certainly forms a chapter in human action not pleasant to look back upon. War, murder, slavery, extermination, and debauchery,—this has again and again been the result of carrying civilization and the blessed gospel to the isles of the sea and the heathen without the law. Nor does it altogether satisfy the conscience of the modern world to be told complacently that all this has been right and proper, the fated triumph of strength over weakness, of righteousness over evil, of superiors over inferiors. It would certainly be soothing if one could readily believe all this; and yet there are too many ugly facts for everything to be thus easily explained away. We feel and know that there are many delicate differences in race psychology, numberless changes that our crude social measurements are not yet able to follow minutely, which explain much of history and social development. At the same time, too, we know that these considerations have never adequately explained or excused the triumph of brute force and cunning over weakness and innocence."
And there it is, in full flower - the myth of progressivism, Marxism, socialism, and "modern sociology". The evil White Christian Man has brought untold suffering, misery, debauchery, extermination, and slavery to the po' peoples of da colour throughout the world. Is this true? Or is this a lie?

It's a lie.

The "savages" were called that for a reason, and it wasn't because they didn't speak a Germanic or Romance language. Human sacrifice, ritual torture, every conceivable depravity known to man, were routine staples of their "societies". The very concepts of oaths, and honour, were (and largely still are) missing in the Wakandas of the world. Technological progress, you know, the kind that feeds those who would otherwise die before the 12th month, was brought to the "undeveloped peoples" of the world. And let's ask, why are they known as "undeveloped" in the first place? Was Da Man keeping them down for millennia? Hardly.

The colonial experience in Africa is a case in point. Anyone who actually looks at the history of Europe's African colonies can see that western, Christian, colonialisation was a gift from heaven. A gift which has been despised and squandered and, since the 1950s and the agitation of Communist class struggle revolutionaries and "liberators", a gift which has been rejected. Rhodesia, anyone? Zaire? Central African Republic?

I'm not saying any particular author should not be read. On the contrary, I think everyone should read just about everything. But to claim an author's work is a "seminal" work that ought to be mandatory reading, implies you support his ideas. Which if that is the case, then you, sir, are part of the world's problem, and not the solution.
Have you read the entire book? Are you aware of what I mean by a "seminal" work? Or why I think that this book in particular ought to be read by everyone? You recall, however, I said it's a bit early to make that call, right?
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Old 05-03-2018, 11:16 PM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Have you read the entire book? Are you aware of what I mean by a "seminal" work? Or why I think that this book in particular ought to be read by everyone? You recall, however, I said it's a bit early to make that call, right?
I'm just being onry. lol
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Old 05-03-2018, 11:17 PM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I'm just being onry. lol
And yes, that's how we say it down heeyuh.
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Old 05-04-2018, 06:30 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post

The "savages" were called that for a reason, and it wasn't because they didn't speak a Germanic or Romance language. Human sacrifice, ritual torture, every conceivable depravity known to man, were routine staples of their "societies". The very concepts of oaths, and honour, were (and largely still are) missing in the Wakandas of the world. Technological progress, you know, the kind that feeds those who would otherwise die before the 12th month, was brought to the "undeveloped peoples" of the world. And let's ask, why are they known as "undeveloped" in the first place? Was Da Man keeping them down for millennia? Hardly.

The colonial experience in Africa is a case in point. Anyone who actually looks at the history of Europe's African colonies can see that western, Christian, colonialisation was a gift from heaven. A gift which has been despised and squandered and, since the 1950s and the agitation of Communist class struggle revolutionaries and "liberators", a gift which has been rejected. Rhodesia, anyone? Zaire? Central African Republic?
Wow. Just wow.
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Old 05-04-2018, 07:17 AM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Wow. Just wow.
Could you clearify your wow?
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Old 05-04-2018, 10:27 AM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Wow. Just wow.
Amazing how reality conflicts with pravda, eh?
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Old 05-04-2018, 11:26 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Esaias post reminds me of an issue in the Mexican American community. Not really related to his post... anyway...

There is a large segment of our community that is very proud to speak Spanish. They hate that some of us demand that they speak English. I saw a post by a woman that stated that she can't wait for Spanish to be the dominant language here in the United States. I laugh at statements like that because Spanish was not the language of our people until the Europeans from Spain conquered us.

I agree with Esaias' post in a general sense. However, growing up in CA and learning of the founding of the state, I can't fully agree. The Catholics enslaved the natives in CA and forced Catholicism upon them.
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Old 05-04-2018, 11:27 PM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Amazing how reality conflicts with pravda, eh?
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Old 05-05-2018, 01:21 PM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Wow. Just wow.
So did you agree with the post or disagree?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 05-05-2018, 01:23 PM
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Re: What Are You Reading Currently, 2.0

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The "savages" were called that for a reason, and it wasn't because they didn't speak a Germanic or Romance language. Human sacrifice, ritual torture, every conceivable depravity known to man, were routine staples of their "societies". The very concepts of oaths, and honour, were (and largely still are) missing in the Wakandas of the world. Technological progress, you know, the kind that feeds those who would otherwise die before the 12th month, was brought to the "undeveloped peoples" of the world. And let's ask, why are they known as "undeveloped" in the first place? Was Da Man keeping them down for millennia? Hardly.

The colonial experience in Africa is a case in point. Anyone who actually looks at the history of Europe's African colonies can see that western, Christian, colonisation was a gift from heaven. A gift which has been despised and squandered and, since the 1950s and the agitation of Communist class struggle revolutionaries and "liberators", a gift which has been rejected. Rhodesia, anyone? Zaire? Central African Republic?
Does anyone even understand the truths that are in this post?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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