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Old 02-01-2020, 10:40 PM
consapente89 consapente89 is offline
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
Have you listened to scum in the pot?
Many times!
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Old 02-01-2020, 10:45 PM
consapente89 consapente89 is offline
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
It’s in the book. The entire book was awesome to read. I still preach about the example he used about the pilot seat. A preacher and Bro. Bean were awaken early in the morning to pray in the spirit of intercession, and they prayed for a couple hours. They left that same morning for another country, when they were landing the pilot cut the runway short about a couple miles and they were 5 feet from the Caribbean. In the book its said that they felt like a hand picked that plane up and they were able to land safely. Shortly after they landed, they took off again to reach their final destination, while in flight the pilot came to them passed all the other passengers, asked them if they would like to come into the cockpit. they both went in, and they saw all the controls, they got to hear the pilots talk to the tower, they saw the mountain peaks ahead, they saw if there were any storms or obstacles. The friend of Bro. Bean wasn’t very interested in that and went back to seat with the rest of the passengers. They allowed Bro. Bean to stay until they landed, what a blessing. He then went on to say God showed him that there is a place in the spirit realm of God that we can see what’s ahead, while others may just want to be a passenger, we can see the mountains that are coming, we can see the storms before they arrive. I preach about that, i tell my Jail ministry class about that.
When I read that, I told the Lord thats my desire to be in a place with him so intimate, so close. Just last week the Lord gave me a dream and when i awoke i knew what was coming that day, couple hours later, boom it happened. I told the Lord Thank you, Jesus for showing before it came. It makes my walk that much easier. I love this, just like all of you I can talk about this all day. We don't have to live like a son or daughter of God, we don't have to live like a servant or a friend, we can live like a wife with God. My wife knows me better then my kids, better than my friends, better than any servants (don't have any), I give my wife the checkbook, she knows my secrets, Praise God, I love this.
I’ve read that portion and listened to that several times. A very powerful testimony. I preached a message recently about the God who dwells in eternity, and how our scope of view is so limited while we are in the flesh. Yet, if we reach beyond the flesh, into the Spirit, we can see things beyond the limitations of time! My how I want God to be able to trust me like that!

I felt a witness in your words sir. God bless you!
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Old 02-02-2020, 12:14 AM
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Re: Bott 2020

Let me see if I can unpack this, because this just isn't adding up.

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
Brother, I’m going say something on behalf of Armpit, I know him personally. Ill be preaching for him on Sunday night.

He received a call from an evangelist the Sunday after BOTT about 1 in the morning. Both the man and his wife are sick, sick enough to call his PASTOR and ask him to pray for them. The evangelist says he believes its a spirit of Infirmity, they pray. The next day he gets a call form a Pastor from another state and asks him to pray, the Pastor tells him I just got back from BOTT and know I’m headed to the hospital, because I’m not sure what’s going on!
A man feels the need to call his pastor and ask for prayer, even in the wee hours of the morning. Perhaps a little unusual, but if the situation seemed dire, it makes more sense why the call happened.

Here's what doesn't make sense, at least to me:

This is first about an evangelist and his wife, then about a pastor. A man who travels all over the place entering into all kinds of spiritual situations from church to church, with who knows how many sinners and demoniacs possibly coming to the meetings, so he can preach/teach and stir up some revival. If he's any good at what he does, and if he has a good head on his shoulders, he knows he can't go from church to church without being prayed up, full of the Holy Spirit, and ready for anything. And much the same can be, or at least should be, said about the pastor, even if he doesn't do much in the way of itinerant ministry from church to church.

Even if the first man is relatively new to evangelizing in this way, or if the second man is relatively new to pastoring, both of them have had to have served a decent amount of time in ministry, in the spiritual trenches, as it was, before they were ever commissioned to go forth with the Gospel. Right?

In 1 John 2:13-14, John wrote how he wrote to the young men because they had overcome the Wicked One, and then, because they are strong, and the Word of God lives in them, and that they have overcome the Evil One.

But, in 1 John 2:12, and then also briefly in v. 13, John mentions little children. He doesn't say anything about how strong they are, or whether or not the Word of God lives in them, and certainly nothing about how they have overcome the Wicked One/Evil One. Rather, he writes about how their sins are forgiven and they know the Father.

This passage is showing us levels of spiritual progression into maturity, finishing with a group called "fathers". I would not expect someone who ought to be categorized as a little child as someone who should be evangelizing or pastoring. Evangelists and pastors at the minimum should be a part of the "young men" group, wouldn't you say?

But, these two men go to a conference with several thousand Spirit-filled, Apostolic believers and because a couple of questionable elements over the three days occur, they get jumped by a spirit they can't do anything about without outside help? Are they little children? Or are they young men who have overcome the Wicked One/Evil One?

If they are children, they shouldn't be evangelizing and pastoring. If they are young men, or fathers, how is it they didn't have the discernment and power and authority in the Holy Spirit to do anything about their predicament?

Or is there a third option, here? That it's nothing of the above, but rather, there is no spirit of infirmity, rather, just some conditioned over-reactions?

To some they may throw that off as coincidence...
Or disregard it as nonsense?

...to others it doesn’t fit their methodology of how God has to work...
Because it doesn't properly align with the Holy Scriptures?

...and we wonder why we cant see the supernatural?
The main reason people can't see the supernatural is that they are constantly being blinded with pseudospiritual nonsense right out of the charismatic's playbook by their leaders, preachers, and teachers who don't know what they're talking about.

The Bible tells us we have to come to him as a child, not a biblical scholar!
Unless you're Jesus and at the age of 12 you are astounding and confounding rabbis in the temple with your Biblical understanding. Or you're Paul, Biblical scholar par excellence.

Yes, we must come to God as children, but we are not to stay there. We are to mature, and receive strong meat, and grow in grace and our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Truth leads us into all truth so that we can all become Biblical scholars. Our increased understanding and knowledge of God, His Son, and the Holy Scriptures are what moves someone through the stages of a child, a young man, and finally, a father, mentioned earlier, from 1 John 2.

There is, therefore, no reason to slam-dunk the idea of being Biblically literate up to and including at the scholarly level. And before you throw Acts 4:13, go read the Epistles by the Apostles and tell me just how unlearned and ignorant these men actually were. The idea of the Twelve being unlearned and ignorant was merely a perception made against them. It was far from the truth.

The two men do not know each other, and the one doesn’t know the other. But yet Armpit gets a call from both of them with the same elements, one day apart, and the common denominator is BOTT!
And? How many other common denominators were there that neither you, Armapeet, or even the folks in question, aren't aware of. But you see what you want, forgetting the need for any other facts or actual proof of anything.

Not only that, yet while at the BOTT conference a Pastors wife confesses that she has been on Depression medication.... She proclaims I prayed, fasted, had others pray for me and it didn’t work. She was encouraging others with the same problem to do as she did!
So what?! Even if she had gotten up, and started cursing and cussing and summoning every devil she could think of to call upon and began blaspheming the Holy Spirit, it doesn't mean jack to anyone else's spiritual condition, unless they are infirm and on the verge of apostasy themselves and willing to give the devil a place in their own hearts.

I mean, come on, already.

You ask, “why didn’t they pray?” Thats a great question, how can they pray against something they dont believe exists? Oh sure they of course believe in Satan, go to 90% of the Pentecostal/Apostolic church’s and its Satan this and Satan that. Satan is attacking them while “he” is attacking another saint half way across the world. How can Satan do that, if he is just one? He’s not God, God is omnipotent, not Satan!
You're just ranting here. But think through for a moment what you wrote above at the end. Satan is not omnipotent. But neither are spirits of any kind, except the Holy Spirit. But you would have spirits running amok against the saints non-stop, all day every day, oppressing and afflicting, caving in their faith, overcoming them constantly. Why was the Son of God manifested? So He could contend with the works of the devil and come to a draw? He wins some and He loses some?

Your constant preaching of spirits behind every issue, lurking in every corner, is what is causing people to succumb so easily to spiritual afflictions. They become convinced that even as saints full of the Holy Spirit, they stand a good chance of getting their butts walloped by some unholy imp fiend, and they believe, and so, manifest no works of the devil destroying sonship of God.

The problem is we dont believe in the spirit realm! You can tell me you do, when you believe 90% of your problems is just physical ailments you dont believe in the spirit realm.
Again, you are just ranting here. You ought not to be telling people they don't believe in the spirit realm when the reality is, they simply deny your version of it as a bunch of super-spiritual hoo-doo hokum.

It’s amazing to me, we quote the scripture “weapons of our WARFARE are not carnal, but are mighty through God pulling down of STRONGHOLDS” yet we dont live it.
Speak for yourself, Brother.

But notice something, the weapons we use are not CARNAL. That is, of the flesh. Take a long look at any of the lists of sins mentioned in the Bible, like Galatians 5:19-21. They are all called works of the FLESH. Not, activities spirits undertake to make you fall. Jesus said it's from out of the abundance of the human heart these things manifest. Not out of the activity of myriads of uncontrollable spirits running roughshod over God's holy people.

Name a sin and you don't have to find a spirit to blame, just look at the flesh. We sin when WE are drawn away by our own lusts. Is there a spirit of lust? Yes, it's called the human spirit. Quit looking for a serpent to blame, Eve. The devil didn't make you do anything. Resist him and he shall flee (unless he was summoned at BOTT, I guess?).

Ask someone to name the spirits the Bible calls out, and they’ll look at you like you have a third eye!
Maybe because too much third eye is involved?

Do you believe a spirit can be released on what we say? The Bible say to speak life, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Speak life, or having the power of life or death in the tongue has nothing to do with releasing spirits.

As you praise God you’ll feel God, you’ll say their is victory in Jesus, and you’ll feel the excitement, why because your speaking life!
That's not how it works or is what is meant by speaking life. And sometimes, maybe even many times, if not most times, you praise God whether you feel anything. You declare victory in Jesus regardless of any excitement you feel, because you KNOW it is true, not because you get a feeling.

Now, what if I start talking about how Horror, fear etc your going to feels a presence why, because your speaking about it.
Only if the audience to whom you speak has given you an unlicensed authority and live, move, and have their being in what you say. If they are walking in the light as He is in the light, and you start speaking a bunch of nonsense garbage, they aren't going to feel anything except a rebuke coming on.

When that Pastors wife proclaimed what she did, you dont have to believe it, but she also spoke a spirit into that place.
And the presence of Almighty God wasn't enough to do anything about it? Or maybe He was busy talking, or pursuing, or was in a journey? Maybe He was sleeping and needed to be woken up?

For anyone devoted to His fear:


Last edited by votivesoul; 02-02-2020 at 12:28 AM.
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Old 02-02-2020, 12:14 AM
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I pray God would open our eyes to see beyond the natural, and if we would allow him to lead us into a place of the spirit we have not been.
This is all well and good, but don't be surprised when He answers and you aren't prepared to see because you've been looking at this all wrong.

It’s not the “not me”, Brother these souls, I’m talking about preachers as well they have no clue about the spirit realm.
Anybody else on your hit-list?

Do you know how to pray for deliverance fro someone? Do you understand what you’ll feel with certain spirits? Not every spirit is the same, call me a kook, I’ve been called worse! This is real, more real than you want to believe.
Your ego is showing. Here's how:

Because you are ignorant of what you are saying when you speak of praying for deliverance for someone. First, there is no Scripture anywhere that tells us to pray for deliverance for someone. Neither Jesus or the Twelve or Paul ever prayed for someone to be delivered. They simply rebuked the devil and cast it out.

Secondly, the concept of deliverance is barely even used in the NT. And in the context it is used, it always refers to either the remission of your sins, being saved, or rescued.

But here you are praying for the remission of sins, being saved, or for the rescuing saints of the Highest. Guess these folks aren't all that saintly if they are in need of remission, salvation, and spiritual rescue when you pray for them.

I mean, if we are talking heathen sinners, sure, of course, people need these things. But remission of sins, salvation, and rescue is effected by repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and receiving the Holy Spirit. All of which is something the Lord Jesus works out on their behalf. And if they are demonized, you cast it out if they want to be free. If they don't, the demon stays and you move along until they repent.

That song she sang is worldly.
You walk through Walmart and you hear The Weekend sing "I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I like it" and suddenly you're afflicted by a spirit of cocaine addiction? Or Walmart Radio plays Losing My Religion by REM and suddenly, you're afflicted by a spirit of apostasy?

I mean, just today, I heard Walmart Radio play Filter's Hey Man Nice Shot, a song celebrating R. Budd Dwyer blowing his brains out on live TV in 1987. Was I suddenly overcome by a spirit of suicide?

But sister sings a lame song and all hell breaks loose at BOTT. How do any of you guys who believe this stuff even get out of bed, with all the spirits that come around every time someone says something, does something, or, God-forbid, sings something stupid or unrighteous?

He’s not blaming the song he just used that to show what was going on at the conference.
You always find the devil you're looking for. Pessimism and/or cynicism grows on the spirit like a mold, especially when you're always ready to find the flaw, see the bad, and complain about the unseemly.

You may think nothing of it, “I believe I can fly” sounds good, use it to sing about the rapture. But you would have a problem if she sang Hells Bells from AC/DC, why??? Hells Bells was created from satanic worshippers, we cant have that right? While I believe I can fly was created by a child rapist....
I also have a problem with people singing I Believe I Can Fly. I would have walked out the moment I heard it. But it's not because I was worried a spirit was going to pounce me, but because I think singing that song is a disaster and had and has no part in one's worship offering to God. Certainly not mine. Anyone else can do what they want because they gonna do what they gonna do with or without me being there.
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Last edited by votivesoul; 02-02-2020 at 01:46 AM.
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Old 02-02-2020, 01:01 AM
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Re: Bott 2020

I just don't understand why a standing ovation was given to a testimony of how God failed and man prevailed? I would expect that at the DNC, not a Pentecostal conference.
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Old 02-02-2020, 01:50 AM
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I just don't understand why a standing ovation was given to a testimony of how God failed and man prevailed? I would expect that at the DNC, not a Pentecostal conference.
Probably felt a need to demonstrate some kind of love, support, and respect for the sister being brave enough to tell her story, and less to do with God failed but man prevailed, even if that's how it susses out in the end.

I would not have stood, personally, because not knowing her, and not knowing why she was depressed, or really anything about the situation, I would not have stood to show anything because maybe on the other side of the story is a whole lot of unrighteousness that no one is talking about. I wouldn't be accusing either, just not demonstrating anything one way or the other, unless more facts came forward. But then again, I don't get caught up in muh feelz.
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Old 02-02-2020, 06:33 AM
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I just don't understand why a standing ovation was given to a testimony of how God failed and man prevailed? I would expect that at the DNC, not a Pentecostal conference.
Still wish I could’ve actually heard the whole thing from start to finish.
I’m just not getting the part about folks shouting their hair down over Prozac.
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Old 02-02-2020, 06:35 AM
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post

This is all well and good, but don't be surprised when He answers and you aren't prepared to see because you've been looking at this all wrong.

Anybody else on your hit-list?

Your ego is showing. Here's how:

Because you are ignorant of what you are saying when you speak of praying for deliverance for someone. First, there is no Scripture anywhere that tells us to pray for deliverance for someone. Neither Jesus or the Twelve or Paul ever prayed for someone to be delivered. They simply rebuked the devil and cast it out.

Secondly, the concept of deliverance is barely even used in the NT. And in the context it is used, it always refers to either the remission of your sins, being saved, or rescued.

But here you are praying for the remission of sins, being saved, or for the rescuing saints of the Highest. Guess these folks aren't all that saintly if they are in need of remission, salvation, and spiritual rescue when you pray for them.

I mean, if we are talking heathen sinners, sure, of course, people need these things. But remission of sins, salvation, and rescue is effected by repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and receiving the Holy Spirit. All of which is something the Lord Jesus works out on their behalf. And if they are demonized, you cast it out if they want to be free. If they don't, the demon stays and you move along until they repent.

You walk through Walmart and you hear The Weekend sing "I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I like it" and suddenly you're afflicted by a spirit of cocaine addiction? Or Walmart Radio plays Losing My Religion by REM and suddenly, you're afflicted by a spirit of apostasy?

I mean, just today, I heard Walmart Radio play Filter's Hey Man Nice Shot, a song celebrating R. Budd Dwyer blowing his brains out on live TV in 1987. Was I suddenly overcome by a spirit of suicide?

But sister sings a lame song and all hell breaks loose at BOTT. How do any of you guys who believe this stuff even get out of bed, with all the spirits that come around every time someone says something, does something, or, God-forbid, sings something stupid or unrighteous?

You always find the devil you're looking for. Pessimism and/or cynicism grows on the spirit like a mold, especially when you're always ready to find the flaw, see the bad, and complain about the unseemly.

I also have a problem with people singing I Believe I Can Fly. I would have walked out the moment I heard it. But it's not because I was worried a spirit was going to pounce me, but because I think singing that song is a disaster and had and has no part in one's worship offering to God. Certainly not mine. Anyone else can do what they want because they gonna do what they gonna do with or without me being there.
Great Job!
I don’t mean this as rude, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone take apart a post as you have.

Like I said Brother, I wasn’t the one called, I was just trying to tie loose ends. I apparently didn’t do a good job. I will say I’m sorry if you felt an ego coming from the post. You and I do not see anything closely related to the spirit realm, and that’s fine. When I mentioned about coming to God as a child, I don’t believe it was about spiritual maturity, but I believe it had everything to do with faith. Raw childlike faith to see what “mature adults” don’t believe can be. Believing God is their supplier and not the mindset “God won’t do anything for you, you can do for yourself.”

You and I are very different, I believe a spirit can be released by the power of the tongue, I’ve seen it, I felt it. You don’t and that’s fine. You don’t believe a demon can afflict or maybe oppress a super (I’m being facetious) spirited saint of God, when simply that is not true, the Bible calls this warfare and if you believe that his kingdom is an earthly kingdom then I could understand why you believe what you said. Warfare is where the enemy attacks you, yet if the saint doesn’t understand what spirit it is how will they fight? The Bible says “discerning of spirits” (more than one) why if we can just say be gone in Jesus name? Why discern? With the knowledge and wisdom we should have as mature saint we should know there is an attack, why do we have a gift of discerning of spirits? The old timers (I say that in respect) would say they would see traveling spirits go across the sky, imagine someone in here say they say that... oh I could imagine what would be said! The elders would come against a spirit of adultery and lust and the spirit would parade naked women in front of the eyes of the man that was coming against them!!!! I wonder how Verbel Bean would answer “that’s not in the Bible!” I have a mentor, who as an elderly man travels and preachers everywhere he goes. He is 90% self funding, he sleeps 2-3 hours a day, I asked him why, he said because Jesus has so much going on that I don’t want to miss any of it. That’s the childlike faith I’m talking about Votivesoul. And no, I have no hit list, I just post what I live and believe, just like yourself.
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.
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Old 02-02-2020, 07:09 AM
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
Great Job!
I don’t mean this as rude, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone take apart a post as you have.

Like I said Brother, I wasn’t the one called, I was just trying to tie loose ends. I apparently didn’t do a good job. I will say I’m sorry if you felt an ego coming from the post. You and I do not see anything closely related to the spirit realm, and that’s fine. When I mentioned about coming to God as a child, I don’t believe it was about spiritual maturity, but I believe it had everything to do with faith. Raw childlike faith to see what “mature adults” don’t believe can be. Believing God is their supplier and not the mindset “God won’t do anything for you, you can do for yourself.”

You and I are very different, I believe a spirit can be released by the power of the tongue, I’ve seen it, I felt it. You don’t and that’s fine. You don’t believe a demon can afflict or maybe oppress a super (I’m being facetious) spirited saint of God, when simply that is not true, the Bible calls this warfare and if you believe that his kingdom is an earthly kingdom then I could understand why you believe what you said. Warfare is where the enemy attacks you, yet if the saint doesn’t understand what spirit it is how will they fight? The Bible says “discerning of spirits” (more than one) why if we can just say be gone in Jesus name? Why discern? With the knowledge and wisdom we should have as mature saint we should know there is an attack, why do we have a gift of discerning of spirits? The old timers (I say that in respect) would say they would see traveling spirits go across the sky, imagine someone in here say they say that... oh I could imagine what would be said! The elders would come against a spirit of adultery and lust and the spirit would parade naked women in front of the eyes of the man that was coming against them!!!! I wonder how Verbel Bean would answer “that’s not in the Bible!” I have a mentor, who as an elderly man travels and preachers everywhere he goes. He is 90% self funding, he sleeps 2-3 hours a day, I asked him why, he said because Jesus has so much going on that I don’t want to miss any of it. That’s the childlike faith I’m talking about Votivesoul. And no, I have no hit list, I just post what I live and believe, just like yourself.
Sleeps two or three hours a day? That’s horrible. I’ll pray that he can get some sleep.
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Old 02-02-2020, 03:04 PM
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Re: Bott 2020

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
I’ve read that portion and listened to that several times. A very powerful testimony. I preached a message recently about the God who dwells in eternity, and how our scope of view is so limited while we are in the flesh. Yet, if we reach beyond the flesh, into the Spirit, we can see things beyond the limitations of time! My how I want God to be able to trust me like that!

I felt a witness in your words sir. God bless you!
Someone let’s you get behind a pulpit and address the congregation!?
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