Originally Posted by Thad
Is this the same church that ended up on Dateline(or one of shows) for holding a member hostage against his will ???
Depends when it aired. This all happened during the mid to late 70's.
This book tells the whole sordid tale.
A short review from Amazon.com
Sandra Anderson was the wife of an elder in the Community Chapel church in Washington state. It is a non-fiction account as compared to June Summer's recent fictionalized novel, ocCULT: They Didn't Think It Could Happen In Their Church.
It wasn't written in chronological order, so it's jumpy in places (but she forewarns you of this). Some happenings are glanced over (such as suicides and murder). She also gives more details of the sexual wrongs committed by herself and other members as compared to June's book (a word of warning to anyone who may read, though her mentions are not meant to tittilate). It's an insider's view of one who saw firsthand how some things developed in the church and how she became entangled in it all and then broke free. Her marriage dissolved as a result of these events and she places the blame upon herself in how she reacted after she realized what she'd been involved in was not of God as she'd thought.
To those unaware, this church became experience based, with an almost blind obedience to the leadership by many. There was first the teaching about demons and many members went through "deliverances". Due to the freedom some felt came with the deliverances, the teaching of dancing before the Lord started. This then led to the next step of "spiritual connections", which eventually lead to adultery and divorce among a great number of members in the church. People would pair up with members of the opposite sex, not their own spouses, and many would start to become intimate to varying degrees. It also occured to some extent between those of the same sex.
Reading her book and June's book together will give the reader a better idea of what happened at this church. It serves as a warning to all. Remember the subtitle of June's book, "They Didn't Think It Could Happen In Their Church". We cannot afford to be blind to unhealthy signs in leadership or in any church we may attend. Experience must never come before Scripture.