Originally Posted by pentecostisalive
Sorry..... The post was not directed specifically to you. The "you" was generally to people on this forum that are fearful of proclaiming doctrinal truth. Though I stand behind my comments, I should not have quoted your post. I apologize. You did clarify some of your statements in later posts.
My point is..... I do think that in an age of relativity, we do need an Apostolic voice of Doctrinal Clarity.
Thank You! I really do appreciate the tone of this post! I did take it personally and believe me - I do know where you are coming from. Those that know me - know I have been a bridge-builder all of my ministry. I do understand from your viewpoint that you think that there needs to be an Apostolic Voice of Doctrinal Clarity. I have no problem with that. The problem I have is when YOU or ANYONE ELSE accuses me and others of not preaching TRUTH because we don't preach "YOUR" brand of it.
This is not personal - I just hate the judging. You may not know it but I preached for 18 years in the most Conservative of the Oneness Pentecostal Churches around the world. I was Independent Ultra-Con then UPC. I preached "the message" as hard as anybody. I have no problem at all with ultra Conservative preaching. I have very close personal friends that are as Conservative as they get. We have an agreement - I don't disrespect them and they don't disrespect me. We both have liberties in areas that the other is uncomfortable with. We agree that we will NOT break fellowship over these things.
I love my friends and have their back and they have mine. I don't mind if a sister wears her dresses till they drag the floor and her hair is Grey and down to the floor - that is her right and her conviction - I honor that - just don't tell me that someone else is lost because they do not have the same conviction.
Personally - I think you have way too many Apostolic Voices of Doctrinal Clarity and it is about as clear as mud for the most part. There is not a lot of across the board agreement on much. Well, Another thread for another time. I gotta get to church!
Bless you and again - Thank you!