Originally Posted by FlamingZword
Baloney, God has always had people ready to continue his work.
you do not see, neither did Elijah, but God had hidden 7,000 men who were faithful ready to continue the work of Elijah.
1Kings 19:18
Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.
Yes I understand the church has never been weak. But there has been times of 400 yrs of silence, dark ages and historical record of a hidden church.
If these young bucks don't re-dig some ancient wells covered over. We'll be headed for a great time of drought.
Unless they get out there and start cutting some spiritual wood for the Holy Ghost fire, our only hope is the rapture.
My dad often said "a bottle of milk can only hold a bottles worth of milk."
You can't make these boys be anything other than what they are.
Name 10 that even show potential or shadow resemblance of anointing of my peers and elders past.
Many have bailed out of the process, wouldn't wait till the mantle was passed on.
I love you but I can't agree.