wiki law? You seem to be extremely uneducated.
The video explained the law since you can't use a law book subscription
We repeat the same stuff. His dad wasn't legally married to Stanley, he still had a wife in Africa
You didn't read the HI marriage laws.
so you "rebbutted nothing"
You seem to be unable to understand BOTH parents need to be citizens. That means 2 out of 2
Looks like Obama is kinda a cheater deciever also. runs in the family.
His mothers citizenship is insignificant due to her vbeing under 18 at the time of his birth
do you think it is OK for liberals to lie on their birth certificates?
"There have been some doubts about whether Obama was born in the U.S. after the politician refused to release to the public a carbon copy of his birth certificate and amid claims from his relatives he may have been born in Kenya. Numerous lawsuits have been filed petitioning Obama to release his birth certificate, but most suits have been thrown out by the courts."
As is required on the online encyclopedia, that entry was backed up by third-party media articles, citing the Chicago Tribune and
The entry was posted on Feb. 24, at 6:16 p.m. EST. Just three minutes later, the entry was removed by a Wikipedia administrator, claiming the posting violated the websites rules against "fringe" material.
This is why educated people avoid wiki.
If you can pick your nose, you can post on wiki. If you can pick your nose and whine (and call it fringe material) you can have it removed.
Of course it is all fringe material on snopes. They physically verify nothing.
You need to go to school and have a teacher show you how to do research.
Both citizens do not have to be US citizens for their child, born on American soil, to be a US citizen.
coadie, i am rofl my, you know what off, keep up the good work, abama drones cant stand the truth or believe it when they do read it. I CANT WAIT TIL THIS HEALTH BILL BITES THE DUST SO WE CAN SEE HIM SQUIRM . yes we cant!!!!
Lol, it has nothing to do with not being able to stand the truth. You birther's simply don't have any on your side when it comes to your accusations.
coadie, i am rofl my, you know what off, keep up the good work, abama drones cant stand the truth or believe it when they do read it. I CANT WAIT TIL THIS HEALTH BILL BITES THE DUST SO WE CAN SEE HIM SQUIRM . yes we cant!!!!
If you only knew.
Many of these dems are sick puppies. They are in bondage and fear. They hope happiness will come following global warming or whatever hysteria du jour.
Obama is getting a free ride now because no rational judge wants a constitutional crisis in his courthouse. Civil war.
If you push the buttons on the extremists, they go to the edge and demand incarceration and other revenge on dissidents.
The health plan is huge. It is expensive and it contains many monster secrets.
There is a call for no payment to doctors. In another way it can be read that they will get a 20% pay cut. And tons more paperwork. The IRS will monitor their slaes, revenues, pricing and profit. The Central Planners will dictate price changes.
Wasn't that odd that Obama's mom marries a guy and he is already married? makes the marriage null. She is 3 months pregnant with Barry baby.
Now we find Obama's half sister born in Indonesia for sure also has a Hawaaii birth certificate. Am I the only one that doesn't??
How would you like to sit at home having voted for jobs, healthcare, welfare, and all kinds of utopia and have no job. He not only failed, but your last paychek bounced and your healthplan was cut the day you went in to see a doc.
If he does get the health plan, the next wave of layoffs will be over 2 million people.
On a professional note, Obama as a certified narcissist, may not be able to get his head around healthcare dying by reason of no progress.
I hate to continue to respond to some of these absurd rumors and right wing drivel, but I would be interested in the response to a central issue on this topic.
If(and I really doubt that most of those who've posted on this thread actually do) you really believe that BO was born in Kenya instead of Honolulu as LEGAL documents prove, why did the Republican party not bring all of this "evidence" that roadie has so freely accessed via the credible blogosphere to a court of law? I'm not aware of a single legal challenge from John McCain or the RNC questioning his legal citizenship?
Are you seriously asking others to believe that as fierce and competitive as politics is, that the GOP just over looked all of this "proof" and allowed a non-citizen to unseat them from power?
Do you consider the absurdly ridiculous and illogicalness of your argument? The fact is that John McCain, the RNC and the GOP long ago came to the same conclusion that other logical minds have come to. BO is a legal citizen of the U.S. Period. End of story.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Obama is getting a free ride now because no rational judge wants a constitutional crisis in his courthouse. Civil war.
That's it. Every pertaining judge is simply too scared to take into consideration the mountain of evidence you've provided all of us with.
What a horrible fate of events that you didn't get all of this evidence to the GOP in time to mount a legal battle before he was elected President, roadie. You could have changed history, man.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Both citizens do not have to be US citizens for their child, born on American soil, to be a US citizen.
Twisp- You are absolutly correct. But the issue of natural born citizenship is not the same as citizenship. Natural born citizenship is citizenship on steroids.
It requires that BOTH parents are American citizens at the child's birth. The intent of the framers of the Constitution was that no one could be president who might have divided loyalties.
Twisp- You are absolutly correct. But the issue of natural born citizenship is not the same as citizenship. Natural born citizenship is citizenship on steroids.
It requires that BOTH parents are American citizens at the child's birth. The intent of the framers of the Constitution was that no one could be president who might have divided loyalties.
I am so glad surgeons don't battle blindness in seeing subtle differences. Gall bladder and the other bladder are both bladders.
Citizen by naturalization and natural born citizen are very different.
80% of the High School dropouts came form 20% of the schools and almost all of them voted for Obama. No republican has ever done such a terrible job of capturing High School drop out votes as Mccain.
I have used a company over the years to help with papers and permissions when I hire a foreign citizen. It helps knowing what they face.
That's it. Every pertaining judge is simply too scared to take into consideration the mountain of evidence you've provided all of us with.
What a horrible fate of events that you didn't get all of this evidence to the GOP in time to mount a legal battle before he was elected President, roadie. You could have changed history, man.
Define two words.
In regards to legal cases, what does "venue" mean and what does the word 'standing" mean?
And by the way, the duty is on the Democratic party to do the vetting of Obama. Democrats seem to busy battling and cussing pro life people to do their job. Actually Hillary is attached to most of these suits and not the GOP. Mike, why didn't you know that?
Philip Berg is about as clintonesque as they come.
Ted Kennedy, the man with the booze, went with Obama and not Hillary.
Democrats luv Kennedy's lifestyle and leadership.
I don't know what causes your fondness for Kennedy. He da big guy for the dems.
Define two words.
In regards to legal cases, what does "venue" mean and what does the word 'standing" mean?
And by the way, the duty is on the Democratic party to do the vetting of Obama. Democrats seem to busy battling and cussing pro life people to do their job. Actually Hillary is attached to most of these suits and not the GOP. Mike, why didn't you know that?
Philip Berg is about as clintonesque as they come.
Ted Kennedy, the man with the booze, went with Obama and not Hillary.
Democrats luv Kennedy's lifestyle and leadership.
I don't know what causes your fondness for Kennedy. He da big guy for the dems.
A complete and total duck of my question. Surely you don't believe that the U.S. court system is powerless to expel a foreign candidate from seeking the Presidency? No one could gain standing in the right venue or jurisdiction? Baloney!
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
I hate to continue to respond to some of these absurd rumors and right wing drivel, but I would be interested in the response to a central issue on this topic.
If(and I really doubt that most of those who've posted on this thread actually do) you really believe that BO was born in Kenya instead of Honolulu as LEGAL documents prove, why did the Republican party not bring all of this "evidence" that roadie has so freely accessed via the credible blogosphere to a court of law? I'm not aware of a single legal challenge from John McCain or the RNC questioning his legal citizenship?
Are you seriously asking others to believe that as fierce and competitive as politics is, that the GOP just over looked all of this "proof" and allowed a non-citizen to unseat them from power?
Do you consider the absurdly ridiculous and illogicalness of your argument? The fact is that John McCain, the RNC and the GOP long ago came to the same conclusion that other logical minds have come to. BO is a legal citizen of the U.S. Period. End of story.
1. I believe the citizenship issue is so unbelievable that the Republicans didn't investigate it early on. Nobody wanted to be called racist for checking out such a basic fact when it began to raise its head (too late in the game).
Finally, the election/race was also greatly changed and thrown into disarray because of an economic crisis (which the Arabs and Soros may have had their hand in). Do you understand that oil prices were going up because of speculation? Did you know that there was a run on American banks for millions upon millions of dollars just before Congress got involved?
2. Did you ever see the movie or read the book "Catch Me if You Can" or something like that?
It is a real life story of a con artist who was able to pull off incredible feats pretending to be different people because he learned the system and then figured out its weak points and acted so confidently that anyone who had reservations was made to feel like a fool for doubting.
Thus (if memory serves me right) he performed surgery, flew planes, cashed gigantic checks, etc and got away with it.
3. Likewise, Obama was the best chance for the socialist and communist (and perhaps the arabs) to move their agenda along. They cleared the path for him and did whatever cover up was needed. That is why he left no foot prints and has yet to produce a bonafide birth certificate.
Obama could have never gotten a first level pass at the White House so he walked in through the front door.
4. I believe that it is irrational to pay lawyers $2 million dollars to withhold one's birth certificate and create so much doubt if one isn't hiding something big.
5. I believe Obama and her enemies are out to break and remake America into a socialist state and that has been his objective from the beginning.