Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by OP_Carl
We're spending the night at the hospital. As soon as I'm done tucking the others into bed, I will go back. Several of the early test results indicate a slight or borderline case of pre-eclampsia. We won't have the key result until Wednesday morning. The doctor is saying either strict bedrest until things happen naturallly, or inducement. The silver lining is she said she will probably not order magnesium sulfate during the inducement, since it is such a mild case.
So . . . . . . a bit of relief, but still a good deal of concern, and a great deal of uncertainty.
This is a big plus. My labor was going really good and they all thought I would have the baby quickly. Then my blood pressure went up to 216/194 and they gave me the magnesium which all but stopped my labor. Also I wasn't normal and was hallucinating until they took me off of it 24 hours after the c-section. Drinking fluids is so important right now. Although she is probably already going to the bathroom every time she turns around and that would make it worse. Inducing has it's ups and downs. If it isn't time for the baby to come inducing won't help and more than likely she will end up with a c-section. The other side of things is with pre-eclamsia it usually causes one to go into labor sooner.
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by OP_Carl
We're spending the night at the hospital. As soon as I'm done tucking the others into bed, I will go back. Several of the early test results indicate a slight or borderline case of pre-eclampsia. We won't have the key result until Wednesday morning. The doctor is saying either strict bedrest until things happen naturallly, or inducement. The silver lining is she said she will probably not order magnesium sulfate during the inducement, since it is such a mild case.
So . . . . . . a bit of relief, but still a good deal of concern, and a great deal of uncertainty.
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Just wanted to let everyone know that our little girl was born last Friday at 7:24 am. We are home now and doing good. She is having a little issue with Jaundice, but other than that all is well!
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by Sis Santos
Just wanted to let everyone know that our little girl was born last Friday at 7:24 am. We are home now and doing good. She is having a little issue with Jaundice, but other than that all is well!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
She was induced. Baby girl born 10 days early, 9#, 12 oz, 21.5" long. She had an epidural, because of the induction, although she had planned on going natural. Both mother and daughter are happy, healthy, and home. BP etcetera is all back to normal. Baby has a perfect round head, makes appropriate snurffling sounds, and is a most excellent snuggler.
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. We had at least three specific prayers answered during this trying time. God is so good to us!
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"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by OP_Carl
She was induced. Baby girl born 10 days early, 9#, 12 oz, 21.5" long. She had an epidural, because of the induction, although she had planned on going natural. Both mother and daughter are happy, healthy, and home. BP etcetera is all back to normal. Baby has a perfect round head, makes appropriate snurffling sounds, and is a most excellent snuggler.
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. We had at least three specific prayers answered during this trying time. God is so good to us!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by OP_Carl
She was induced. Baby girl born 10 days early, 9#, 12 oz, 21.5" long. She had an epidural, because of the induction, although she had planned on going natural. Both mother and daughter are happy, healthy, and home. BP etcetera is all back to normal. Baby has a perfect round head, makes appropriate snurffling sounds, and is a most excellent snuggler.
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. We had at least three specific prayers answered during this trying time. God is so good to us!
Congratulations!!! Glad to hear everything went well.
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by Sis Santos
Just wanted to let everyone know that our little girl was born last Friday at 7:24 am. We are home now and doing good. She is having a little issue with Jaundice, but other than that all is well!
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by OP_Carl
She was induced. Baby girl born 10 days early, 9#, 12 oz, 21.5" long. She had an epidural, because of the induction, although she had planned on going natural. Both mother and daughter are happy, healthy, and home. BP etcetera is all back to normal. Baby has a perfect round head, makes appropriate snurffling sounds, and is a most excellent snuggler.
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. We had at least three specific prayers answered during this trying time. God is so good to us!
glad you all are doing well!!! where are the pics?!?!?!?!