Sister please forgive me, and know I am not reflecting on you whatsoever, but only the author of that book.
I read that book, and it was the biggest pack of nonsense I ever read in my entire life. It says that hell is in the shape of a human body and that hells' compartments are along the shape of a man's legs, arms, head and torso. It said that physical portals had to be opened in order for demons to come and go from this human-body-shaped hell.
I doubt very much that devils need portals opened for them to leave a hell, any more than they require us to open windows to let them get out of our houses.
And I doubt very much that hell is shaped like a human body.
I agree the aforementioned book is total depravity of mind, defames the nature and the character of God. Only a demented monster could have conceived of such a place.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Sister please forgive me, and know I am not reflecting on you whatsoever, but only the author of that book.
I read that book, and it was the biggest pack of nonsense I ever read in my entire life. It says that hell is in the shape of a human body and that hells' compartments are along the shape of a man's legs, arms, head and torso. It said that physical portals had to be opened in order for demons to come and go from this human-body-shaped hell.
I doubt very much that devils need portals opened for them to leave a hell, any more than they require us to open windows to let them get out of our houses.
And I doubt very much that hell is shaped like a human body.
And how about those visits to heaven, that some have written about? One of them has David regretting writing some of the Psalms. Another has a warehouse full of human body parts, ready to be given to people that need them on Earth -- soon as they get the right formula, I guess.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
If there is a 7th heaven, would that mean multiple areas of hell as well? Personally, I do not want to ever find out about the hell side. I think hell will be almost as hot as florida or probably hotter.
If there is a 7th heaven, would that mean multiple areas of hell as well? Personally, I do not want to ever find out about the hell side. I think hell will be almost as hot as florida or probably hotter.
The bible says nothing about a seventh heaven.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
And how about those visits to heaven, that some have written about? One of them has David regretting writing some of the Psalms. Another has a warehouse full of human body parts, ready to be given to people that need them on Earth -- soon as they get the right formula, I guess.
More poppycock! lol Wow.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
If there is a 7th heaven, would that mean multiple areas of hell as well? Personally, I do not want to ever find out about the hell side. I think hell will be almost as hot as florida or probably hotter.
Try Houston Texas in August!!! Makes me live right since moving here!!!
I am going to be better than I am today....(Phil 1:6)
Romans 2 (I think verse 13 or 14) says that "those who have sinned without law shall also perish without law". That means that those who never had a chance to hear will still perish but they will perish "without law". It's like the difference between a person who committed a crime but didn't know it was a crime - and the person who had previous intent, who sat down and painstakingly drew up his plans to break the law. Both parties still suffer the penalty of the law, but the latter one will suffer a worse penalty. So, I believe in varying degrees of punishment in hell. "Those who sin w/o law shall also perish w/o law".