My dear Sis. Coonskinner,
If there were not two in the family, there would be no three,
four, etc. There must be a father AND a mother!! Husband AND wife,
Both have their different roles as God set it up in the beginning.
In the church, there must be the Father (GOD) and there must
be the mother (Church) Husband and wife. Or there will be no
children born into that union. Within the kingdom of God, there are
many families of fathers and mothers and children. They all belong
to God. They are His workmanship. The apple of His Eye!
You and Bro. Coonskiner are co-labours, or labours together in
the family of God. You are just as important in your role as he is
in his. He is not the father and you are not the mother. God is the
Father (in the church) and the worldwide Church of the Living God
is the mother. Within that structure are families, fathers and mothers
and children. If we have been born again of water and of the Spirit,
we have been born into the family of God. There are those who no
doubt are still in the "womb of the church". We are to judge nothing
before the time. God's time. He set it all up before the foundation of
the world. Eccles. 3 tells us "To every thing there is a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a
time to die; a time to plant, and a time to ...........! WHO timed it all!
God's time!! If we are led by the Spirt of God then we are His sons and
daughters. And you can be assured His timing is perfect. Something
happens when man tries to say when its time for someone to be born.
How many children are not in this world today because there was an
unnatural interference with God's time. Mothers induced to have their
babies before the time, perhaps for conveniece. God set the time a
long time ago. Nine months unless their is interference or something
is wrong, for humans. We must learn to be sensitive to the Creator
who set it all in motion. He is able to take care of that which belongs
to Him. Let's trust Him! After all, His Word says that if we will trust in
Him with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding and will
acknowledge Him in all our ways, He WILL direct our paths!! Talk about
a FAMILY PLAN!!! Who can improve on that!!!!
Sis. Lady Coonskinner, forgive me if I have said too much! I felt the
Holy Ghost move on me to say it and it just began to flow!!!! You will
do great if you just depend on the Heavenly Father who wants to sow
some seed and He will do it through you if you will allow Him too!!!
He just needs a willing vessel to flow through!!! In Jesus Name!!!