Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
I believe God is Truth ... many times we forget that when we filter His Word and try to explain it [doctrine]... it will have bias.
It will ALWAYS have bias and there is no way to keep the bias out. I have been around MANY pentecostal circles, paradigms, viewpoints, doctrines etc. I have "bought" into no one's viewpoint completely. I have job to do and that is to feed the flock the Lord has made me an overseer of.
No denomination or group is going to tell me how to pastor NLC. It is none of their business. If I get out of line, NLC has guidelines to follow and I can be removed.
Talk about doctrinal "purity," we can't even get agreement on the new birth from card carrying members of the UPCI. The only way for doctrinal "purity" to prevail is for the biggest voting block to define it and then kick those out who don't agree with it.
Oh, wait, that has been tried and it still didn't work!