Yes Eve was decieved and evidently influenced her husband but the Biblical record blames him NOT her throughout scripture.
But a woman:
was the virgin in the virgin birth without a man. Highly favored among women, the MOTHER of our Lord.
the women were at the tomb,
women were in the upper room,
The Church is a Woman His Bride.
The Book is NOT anti-woman.
Yes Eve was decieved and evidently influenced her husband but the Biblical record blames him NOT her throughout scripture.
But a woman:
was the virgin in the virgin birth without a man. Highly favored among women, the MOTHER of our Lord.
the women were at the tomb,
women were in the upper room,
The Church is a Woman His Bride.
The Book is NOT anti-woman.
Reread the post, nobody said "the book was against women". We are discussing the persecution of women by men in the church...
Yes Eve was decieved and evidently influenced her husband but the Biblical record blames him NOT her throughout scripture.
But a woman:
was the virgin in the virgin birth without a man. Highly favored among women, the MOTHER of our Lord.
the women were at the tomb,
women were in the upper room,
The Church is a Woman His Bride.
The Book is NOT anti-woman.
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty