A box lunch from Heavenly Ham - sandwich, chips, cookie and Dr. PEPPER! I thought it was a nice touch because the last thing you want to have to do is go get food when you are unpacking boxes and making beds!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Well, I've been here two years and when I moved from my home to this apt. I said I would never move again - - - so much work, but how quickly we forget (just like childbirth)!!
My son moves into his home this weekend (2 mos. before he gets married), so for the first time in my life I will be ALONE! So, I thought a new place, new surroundings, new memories would be a good thing. We'll see.
It'll keep me busy during the transition, then the wedding, then the holidays, then most likely my daughter will be getting married next summer.
Now, after she marries - I'll have to find something else to tackle!
That's cool, Ren. The new place will be a good thing for you, I think. Did your son get the house that they were looking at that night we were in Memphis with my mom? Are you moving far?
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
That's cool, Ren. The new place will be a good thing for you, I think. Did your son get the house that they were looking at that night we were in Memphis with my mom? Are you moving far?
Yep, that's the one - - it worked out great for them!
It's only four miles west of where I am - however, it won't be Collierville anymore, which makes me a little sad to have a Memphis address - lol!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Ren, I am about to join you...I move on the 17th into an apt. on Lake Ray Hubbard...closest thing I could get to water in Texas! LOL. I am longing for my bed and I decided to redo my kitchen in the retro red...I have a red coffee pot, a red slow cooker, and getting two red stools for the bar and they look like something out of the Jetson's cartoon! LOL.
My BIL's are moving me and I will order some Pizza for them...it is so great to be handicapped!
Blessings, Rhoni
P.S. Least I'm not going into an assisted living like you!