Originally Posted by ReformedDave
When you say "Christian" nation do you mean a Christian theocracy? Do you object to the use of a Christian worldview in forming a government?
I mean that there is no such thing as a "Christian" form of government (by "form" I mean like a republic, a monarchy, an oligarchy, a theocracy, a dictatorship, etc.) and that there is no basis in the New Testament for trying to apply the title "Christian" (meaning like Christ) to a geopolitical entity. Salvation is for individuals, not for governments. As the Church, we are a people called out from among the nations and are a nation unto ourselves.
Obviously I know that the OT Israel wasn't "Christian" but wasn't it a form of 'religious' , for lack of a better word, government?
Originally, it was intended to be a theocracy but that didn't last very long as Israel rebelled against God, went off and did its own thing and then later demanded a monarchy. When Jesus returns to Earth to reign for 1,000 years,
that will be a true theocracy.