Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
I would have to say, we preach the gospel more. I use Acts 2:38 as the salvational message it is. Yet, I preach more on the works/attributes of Jesus on how that should be evident in our lives.
Like a child that wants to be just like their father, so should those that are His want to be like Him.
Acts 2:38 is the process by which we as believers receive His mind and Spirit.
The Gospels are clear depictions of the nature and character of Him who we have received.
The church should act as a source of guidance and affirmation so we can better follow after our Father, and correction when we stray from that path.
The HolyGhost is putting the key into the ignition and cranking the motor.
The Gospels are putting the now running vehicle into drive on the right direction for our destination.
If you just preach the gospels, you are simply sitting in a non moving vehicle while staring frustrated at your map and if you only preach
Acts 2:38 and not "going anywhere" you're simply burning out the starter twisting the key after being cranked.