Originally Posted by n david
The church my father pastored was mostly white. That was not due to any racism or desire to be a white church.
There was a black couple who began attending with their children. He came to my father's office shortly after and said their former pastor from a black church nearby visited their home and told them my father and the church was racist and they didn't belong there. He told them blacks needed to worship with their own people.
Fortunately this family didn't agree and sent this pastor away.
We had heard rumors, but until then had been unable to know it was true or who was doing it.
The woman who arranged for me to get a ride to the UPCI is black. I could never get her to visit. She would say that when she goes to church, it will be a black church.
The only blacks attending were kids that were bussed in for Sunday School.
The church was probably more latino than white. The pastor was white.
Something I noticed that would bother me... alot. When the youth were referring to people, it was always the black man or woman. Whites and latinos were just the man or woman.
I do recall a story told by the assistant pastor. He spoke of an interracial couple from some church- the pastor refused to marry them. Why? Because he would be limiting his ministry if he took a bride of another race. So they got married anyway. I’m sure it was a horror story but I don’t recall the details.