Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
This guy was a masked wrestler and he has been elected into office.
Who cares if he was a masked wrestler. Is there some sort of litmus test in which only people from certain professions are allowed to run for office?
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
I was just saying about the part where he said "in America we are a self governing" body of people.
If you read the full quote, instead of cutting it off there, it makes sense and I would hope everyone (or most everyone) would agree. We are a nation of people who are self-governors. We are able and have the God-give right to make our own decisions and choices.
Why is this an issue?
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
So though he was elected as leadership, he is saying in America we govern our self.
Look up the definition and respond why you disagree with this.
Self governing: "exercising control over one's own affairs"
Does someone else make decisions for you? Do you choose what clothes to wear, what to eat, where to live, work, etc?
Unless someone else makes decisions for you, you are, in fact, self governing.
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
Just a Idea I seen thrown around on here a lot, so I said "I found some of you a Pastor". It was a joke, but shows that spirit is very prevalent in this day and hour. Its a new era of libertarian philosophy.
You can't apply political terms to Christian living.