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Old 06-01-2018, 10:22 PM
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Re: TGBTG's thread: eschatological conundrums?

So, you want to ask questions, but don't want to answer any? Cool. Short thread, but cool nonetheless.
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Old 06-01-2018, 10:30 PM
TGBTG TGBTG is offline
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Re: TGBTG's thread: eschatological conundrums?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
So, you want to ask questions, but don't want to answer any? Cool. Short thread, but cool nonetheless.
Just not with EB.

In the other thread, he keeps asking me about thing I did not say. It gets tiring after a while.

And I'm also not going to respond while he keeps taking cheap shots and being aggressive.

If a person wants to discuss, fair game. I'll ask questions and answer your questions to me to the best of my understanding.
...Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ...(Acts 20:21)
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Old 06-02-2018, 06:52 AM
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Re: TGBTG's thread: eschatological conundrums?

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
Just not with EB.

In the other thread, he keeps asking me about thing I did not say. It gets tiring after a while.

And I'm also not going to respond while he keeps taking cheap shots and being aggressive.

If a person wants to discuss, fair game. I'll ask questions and answer your questions to me to the best of my understanding.
Cheap shots? Where? I’m asking you questions in the other thread.
It isn’t true what you are accusing me. I see you would like to ask question of “these guys” therefore for “these guys” are wrong. If they are wrong about anything you pointed out, then YOU would obviously be “the guy” to point that out. Isn’t that logical? So, me, as one of “those guys” should be able to inquire of you, “the guy.”
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 06-02-2018, 07:27 AM
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Re: TGBTG's thread: eschatological conundrums?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
So, you want to ask questions, but don't want to answer any? Cool. Short thread, but cool nonetheless.

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
Just not with EB.
This is what is so funny about not only religion, but our culture in general. Here is TGBTG saying that I'm not allow to play in any reindeer games. But, if we take a walk down memory lane remember boys and girls, (oh now I have to include boys who dress like girls. Since AFF now includes old guys dressed like an old woman as part of the Apostolic "friends?") we will find TGBTG interacting with me on occasions concerning eschatology JABS. Then TGBTG goes butterfly world on me with attacking me with my dialog with Aquila. Seemingly TGBTG wanted to pick up Aquila's baton, and give me "you da man" beating?

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
In the other thread, he keeps asking me about thing I did not say.
Therefore I asked the questions again, in light of your short clarification. Sorry, but I made the questions plain, I also explained since you believe that in the tribulation Jews will be slaughtered to accept Christ (I don't know if you believe that) then you should have the answers to why Romans refer to that occurring.

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
It gets tiring after a while.
But, posters like you don't? I don't respond to people who leave me alone. If I'm the poster you claim I am, then why take a jab, or how you put it, a cheap shot? Because I'm da man? Leave me alone, put me on ignore, don't respond to anything I post. Or is that too simple for you? Or is the truth that you are what you say I am, and your loathing for me so irresistible that you feel it's your duty to rattle the cage. Yet, after you do you jump back while crossing yourself and crying pious Christian. You're good, I am bad. Hey, you're a Christain, forgive me. Move on, answer the questions you initiated. If any poster goes sideways on you, then put the poster on ignore. But, we are "those guys." It is the derogatory term you chose, not me. Therefore you broke the nose, and you want people to just sit back and bleed. While you smirk, and under Jesus name continue to draw blood. That isn't tiring?

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
And I'm also not going to respond while he keeps taking cheap shots and being aggressive.
I'm da man? Where did that come from? Where were we? Christianity in America. Where we throw a punch, and expect the other side to sit in the lotus position while chanting mantras? Sorry, Jesus does a good job in the Matthew 23. How many woes, good thing that the Pharisees didn't decide to not allow Jesus to question them on the grounds He was too aggressive.

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
If a person wants to discuss, fair game. I'll ask questions and answer your questions to me to the best of my understanding.
Why ask "those guys" questions? You start your thread with the premise that they are wrong and you obviously are correct. Therefore it isn't passive aggressive behavior to sit at your feet. Unless you don't even know what you believe.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 06-03-2018, 12:53 AM
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Re: TGBTG's thread: eschatological conundrums?

TG, what is your eschatology? What do YOU believe?
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