Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
I think they can give you a drug test another way.
A hair sample gives them a 3 month sample of your timeline.
If you smoked POT or took many other drugs it will be found in the hair.
They can even guess as to how long ago you did the drug.
That is why in the mid 1990's many major league baseball players decided to go bald. Many still shave their heads today.
Many started growing hair again since they aren't tested so much now.
It was not a fad as many folks thought.
They would shave their entire bodies.
They would file their nails as to not leave clippings of their nails on the floor.
So a reporter or MLB rep could grap the clippings and save them for a future test.
See hair and nails can be tested years later.
Those players did not want someone testing them 10 years later to see what was in their system.
When testing for the Steroids they used years earlier could not be detected because there was not a test to detect that steroid.