Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I kinda liked the church I visited today and plan to visit it again next week. But it is far from me and they only hold services on Sunday mornings. If it were up to me, there would be Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services-- with prayer rooms open and hour before each service.
I don't know if they don't have a prayer room, but I know they don't advertise a time of pre-service prayer. So maybe I won't make the drive all the way out there again for a church that doesn't make corporate prayer a priority. Maybe I can start it, but again, they are so far.
What I might have to do is join an Apostolic church (Cleveland has a TON of them-- small to large), sit in the background, and don't say anything to anyone, don't participate, etc. It's been too long since I've had physical fellowship and accountability.
So then, once I start to fellowship with them, they will ask questions, I will be honest and I will probably cause confusion-- which is one of the main reasons why I left my last Apostolic church that I loved.
Maybe since they won't know me, if I join plainly stating up front that I disagree with them but need to be a part of a body of believers, maybe they will tolerate me, knowing where I stand, and keep the new converts away from me.
I don't want ANY interaction at all with a new convert to an Apostolic church!
Millstone necklaces are not my style.
We have Sunday Morning with prayer a half hour before church in the sanctuary. And people actually pray. Sunday evening the prayer rooms open up an hour before service and usually have several people praying there for a half hour. Then a half hour before service prayer is moved to the sanctuary and everyone prays till service begins.
Tuesday evenings we have prayer a half hour before Bible Study. Usually good participation.
Thursday evenings we have good ol' fashioned prayer meeting. Prayer requests then some typically heated, fervent praying.
Our church is a praying church!