Originally Posted by CC1
Regarding the thin bones. My wife has had several back surgeries and still has back and neck issues. Her doctor enrolled her in a Forteo program. She has to give herself a shot in the stomach every night for two years (I think) and supposedly she will have completely rebuilt bones. Sounds to me like one of those things they later find out has some horrible side effect but I think this has been around for some time now. The cost is normally crazy. Something like $3,000 per year but they got us on a deal where it is $50 per month. A lot of money but $600 per year is a lot better than $3,000. You might want to ask your doctor about this. The leukemia might be a problem but it still would be worth asking about.
I am praying for your health and the church planting situation. I have to be honest though and if there are already good churches in your area I don't think starting another one is necessarily a good idea.
While I don't object on principle to house churches my experience has been that from a practical standpoint a lot of the Pentecostal ones are started by disgruntled people who were never happy anywhere because things were not done the way they wanted or nobody believed EXACTLY as they did so they just start their own little house church where things can be done their way.
Thank you for he information. I don't think that I have thin bones yet. But I don't want to get them. But I will write that name down, in case I need it later.
And thank you for praying for me.
I'm not a disgruntled type of person, so that's not it. I went to a UPC church from the time I was 6 years old for about 30 years, under different Pastors. The last one was a dictator. God told me to leave.
Then I went to another UPC church for about 10 years.
Some people might call me disgruntled, but I have done a lot of studying, and I believe that God has revealed some things to me. And when God reveals things, what are you supposed to do with it? I sat for years and kept my mouth shut but going to church in that kind of atmosphere binds a person. I can't do it any more.
And yes I disagree on a lot of things. The worldliness in the churches, And in some just the opposite which is man-made rules. The Worldly modern music, lack of real teaching, and many other things that I don't believe that God is pleased with and I wouldn't be happy with.