Originally Posted by Originalist
Several people might be joining you before it's all over.
it is sad to see all the TWISTED mess here in the US. My mother is German and I have lots of family back there and I want to go back home. Jobs are not too easy to find in the field my husband works in and he is not willing to take German language classes....lol He would fail miserably~
German and some French are my second language so its all home to me. Laws are a lot more tougher on animal crimes where as here in the us, they MAY slap you on the hand, say no-no, u may pay a few fines and you are free to do it all over again. There it is a felony and you most always end up in PRISON...not jail. We look at animals a lot different than most Americans. Shoplifting is a big time felony...even for first offenders...no jail cell, its prison for at least 12 months. I could go on forever. I will add this....crimes happen all over the world and I am NOT saying Europe is perfect.....we have flaws just like the next place on the map , its just handled in a different way than the US and more harsh penalties....like "an eye for an eye" in most cases.