Originally Posted by deacon blues
No, but as a cultural subgroup, they have a set of issues they vote on that has much to do with their culture---not race. When a demographic votes 70%+ or in the case of African Americans 90%+ you would be wise to figure out why they vote so overwhelmingly the way they do and try to tap into that cultural group-think and create policies that would attract them to your cause.
With SO MANY black Christians who consistently vote Democrat, why are there GOP voices who consistently offend the sensibilities of that American voting bloc?
How on earth do you think that the GOP voices who consistently offend the black Christians are going to somehow purpose in their hearts to woo latinos?
The GOP has forced the discussion to be relegated to race when it comes to the truly conservative black Christians who vote Democrat. Huckabee said last night that our party doesn't do a good job of reaching out to "minorities" at all-- and he's right.
The GOP doesn't need to target a racial demographic to increase their voting bloc. To do so would only address the symptom, but not the GOP's true sickness.
Establishing a political plattform catered to a specific racial demographic further fragments our already hyphenated American culture.