Cindy, without knowing the specifics (and please dont take this as a request for details, it isnt intended to be) I dont really know if the following is applicable or not. However, I will attempt to offer a word of encouragement, along with my prayers.
Often people feel needlessly guilty when they become angry. Some even go so far as to say that aqnger is sinful. Paul tells us in
Ephesians 4:26 that we can be angry and sin not. And Christ, himself, modeled this when he took a homemade whip after the merchants in the synagogue and when he called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and vipers. Of course, we must be ever mindful of our attitudes to be sure that 1) They are the right attitude for the given situation and 2)that our response is right an proper, not sinful nor over-reacting.
I encourage you to realize there is such a thing as righteous indignation and it is totally acceptable in God's Kingdom.
I am praying for you and this situation.