Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
Well to us Christians use the Bible as our road map so to say or our flight plan. Obeying the truth is what keeps us safe. The story about the plane was just an example of how at times when we don't use our gages we can end up off course and end up in hostile situations.
I still don't get it JT. The "gauges" had nothing to do with the fact that there was a bomb planted in the cargo hold.
As long as the bomb was aboard, the plane and its occupants were all in mortal peril - no matter what the navigator and pilots did. The "hostile situation" existed because of the bomb.
You cut and pasted the account of the plane's flight plans (without attribution) from here:
No where in the quoted section, nor anywhere in the entire article was there any reference to Flight 103 being off course. In fact, the article makes it appear that everything was going well right up to the moment the bomb went off.
I guess Timmy (sigh!) wins this one. Even when we are "flying" within our assigned airspace and even after we've done everything correctly to ensure that we are "on the correct heading and course" through life, the enemy can still sneak a bomb on board and destroy our hopes of a safe and successful journey.
Does "the devil" really have that much power over whether we make it through or not? I don't think so. Perhaps the whole thing fails because of a false (or incorrect?) analogy.
Korean Airlines Flight 007 might make a better analogy.