Originally Posted by oletime
earth worshippers have thier own site at the air force academy now. whats next nambla asking for a site ? dog worshippers ? and on and on
"nambla" promotes a practice that is illegal in all 50 states. Why would you associate them with "earth centered religions" which don't condone any illegal activity at all?
Also, the article described them as "earth centered," not "Earth worshipers." There's a huge difference.
Finally, those who "worship dogs" already have many venues available to them and several kennel clubs located in almost every community in the United States - though these might be better understood as "dog centered" enthusiasts.
Finally, the Air Force chaplains office (which includes at least one UPC chaplain, last I had heard, though it's been a while) takes a more helpful view than yours:
"Every service member is charged with defending freedom for all Americans, and that includes freedom to practice our religion of choice or, for that matter, not to practice any faith at all," said Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Ziegler, Cadet Wing chaplain. "Being in the military isn't just a job -- it's a calling. We all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and that means we've all sworn to protect one another's religious liberties. We all put on our uniforms the same way; we're all Airmen first."
These are the heroes on the front lines defending your right to disdain their beliefs while also protecting your right to whatever it is that you do believe. You owe them more respect.