Originally Posted by Sandra
No, I'm not... I wish they would just make some changes.. admit a few mistakes . Its the hard line.. hard headed ones that is causing this.
This next generation is NOT going for this nonsense.. its a new day! 
Make Changes? Uuuuhhhh.....no. Admit mistakes??? You're kidding, right? I was once a young, enthusiastic, well-intentioned fellow who was going to help change things. I'm still fairly young but I eventually decided I'd rather live my life serving those that are far from God than beating my head against an unmovable wall. It hurts too much and the people that need us Christ Followers the most are never introduced to the only thing that matters....the grace of God.
As long as foam pours out of the mouth of upcer's when the word "trinitarian" is mentioned, things won't change. I hate to tell you but the next generation is already going for this nonsense.
I jumped in on a thread when I asked someone to stop spreading untrue rumors. Since I joined a few days ago, I've been run through the shredder continually. When you consider that the trend toward exclusivity has only increased over the upc's history, and NEVER decreased, then it is what it is.
If you want things to be different...I say, "Hit the trail."
And I'm glad you're upset.