07-10-2009, 09:55 AM
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Re: Prayer for my BIL
Originally Posted by GraceAmazing
Praying here Rhoni! Hugs!
Originally Posted by Sinatra
Rhoni, I just logged on and saw this. Please know that I am praying for your BIL and his family.
Originally Posted by oletime
praying for him rhoni, kinda sad, when i look at the replies 6 and readers 47 and yet were smoking the computer replying to stuff that dont matter , im embarrassed, please forgive us God !
Dearest Oletime,
I think it better that a few truly pray than many to say they will who never breathe a prayer. It is a sign of the times, isn't it:
In the last days men will be lovers of themselves more than lovers of God, Unthankful, unkind, disloyal, disobedient to parents, bent more on receiving than giving, looking for pleasure.
Last night they had a documentary on the children we are turning out in this generation. They know how to use technology but fail to empathize, socialize, and communicate adequately. This generation has little to no social skills and have little to no manners/ettiquette.
It amazes me the number of men with hats on in a restaurant, people talking on cell phones or texting while sitting at the table with someone they are eating with but definitely not communicating with.
Children who think they have a God-given right to challenge parents, teach them something by denying access to grandchildren, and think that God has given them the right to do so. The Bible talks about this...too bad Pastors don't teach these things any more.
Blessings, Rhoni