Brother of mine... My vote is my vote... and when my vote expresses my wishes then it is not wasted. Ever.
Absolutely the coolest response on this thread yet!
I agree and I might add, if I choose to not vote at all, it is my American right to abstain from voting.
And should someone try to tell me I do not have an opinion because I did not vote, I'll simply remind them of my right to freedom of expression.
For the original complaint about our tax dollars funding abortions and our govt codifying benefits for same-sex partners--
you're complaint is based on our govt supporting something immoral. However, these are not the first and won't be the last of our government supporting something sinful.
So, again, to a large extent, it really does not matter.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
I am concerned about the socialist trend in government and I am concerned about the way I see our government taxing and spending, but what concerns me most is how we got into this situation.
Take a look at this sequence of events:
- in the 1930's our nation began to take the place of god by instituting the "new deal" - the social programs that were designed to dig us out of a national depression but in fact caused the depression to linger until the start of WWII. - And the church was relieved that the government took over what they were responsible under God to do.
- When the war began we sent the men to fight and the women to work in the war factories - leaving the children to fend for themselves and to literally be raised by the state schools. - And the church slept.
- The socialist minded gurus of higher education saw an opportunity to produce a generation of young people who's values were set by state run schools. The NEA was formed and an agenda was set. - And the church slept.
- In 1962 The church slept while congress and the courts banned scripture reading and public prayers in schools and the schools began to take a serious look at sex education.
- As the socialist agenda to take God out of the public school gained popualarity under the guise of separation of church and state and preaching the meassage of pluralism morality began to plummet.
- An interesting note is that before the social revolution of the 1960's if a teacher was cohabiting outside of marriage they were fired for being a poor moral example. Today, cohabitating teachers are instructing our children how to have sex without getting STD's.
- In the early 1970's the supreme court legalized aborting pre-born babies and since that time our nation has condoned the infanticide of around 50 millions pre-born babies.
- Now the government owns large percentages of the banks and the auto industry - that is socialism.
- We are moving ever so much closer to a nationalized program of health care which is socialist to the core.
- Under socialized medicine the government will decide which babies can be born and which ones can't be born; the government will set standards that will determine the net value of a life and thereby determine what medical proceedures will be prudent to use on them; Infanticide is only a step away from euthanasia
- When we decided to trust the government to be our answer instead of God we submitted ourselves to a tyranny that will inevitably lead us to destruction as a nation.
Sorry for the long post but once this old man gets to rambling it's hard to stop....
Where were all the concerned Republicans when our government was spending billions of dollars, unchecked, through the likes of Haliburton, KBR, Blackwater and such?
The current deficit, the current situation-- the same Republicans who turned a blind eye to or even justified the out-of-orbit spending in the past are being hypocritical when they criticize spending now.
But hypocrisy and politics are synonyms anyway-- silly me for forgetting that!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Where were all the concerned Republicans when our government was spending billions of dollars, unchecked, through the likes of Haliburton, KBR, Blackwater and such?
The current deficit, the current situation-- the same Republicans who turned a blind eye to or even justified the out-of-orbit spending in the past are being hypocritical when they criticize spending now.
But hypocrisy and politics are synonyms anyway-- silly me for forgetting that!
I think we are asking the wrong questions. What we should be asking is where was the church while our nation was running amuck. It isn't a repbulican or democrat thing it is a willful humanity thing.
If we who are the body of Christ would be Christ to this world we would see things change radically.
I think we are asking the wrong questions. What we should be asking is where was the church while our nation was running amuck. It isn't a repbulican or democrat thing it is a willful humanity thing.
If we who are the body of Christ would be Christ to this world we would see things change radically.
Honestly, I don't think that is true.
Many Christians are being Christ to this world.
This world rejected Christ once and will continue to reject Him, all the way to their demise-- unless they repent.
We're not asking the wrong questions.
Republicans know how to imply and invoke the Name of Jesus when THEY deem it appropriate.
So do the Democrats.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
So if I voted third party I'm supposed to feel ashamed of myself because I didn't vote Republican? Seriously?
How about you apologize for allowing the Republican party to make a tool of the religious right by whispering junk in your ear about how important abortion is to them every 4 years and thus, enabling Republican Presidents to appoint Supreme Court Justices who have refused to make abortion illegal in the past 30 years. If you can bring yourself to apologize for your role, I'll consider apologizing for trying to elect TRUE conservatives.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
So if I voted third party I'm supposed to feel ashamed of myself because I didn't vote Republican? Seriously?
How about you apologize for allowing the Republican party to make a tool of the religious right by whispering junk in your ear about how important abortion is to them every 4 years and thus, enabling Republican Presidents to appoint Supreme Court Justices who have refused to make abortion illegal in the past 30 years. If you can bring yourself to apologize for your role, I'll consider apologizing for trying to elect TRUE conservatives.
Preach it Brother Mike!!!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
The abortion issue has been a carrot on a stick that the Republican party dangles in front of the gullible.
Thanks for calling a spade a spade, Sam. The more true conservatives that admit this and subsequently demand results from the people they elect, the better off this country's future will be.
Playing the silly game of Good Republicans and Bad Democrats is naive.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine